Chapter 18

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I continued walking up and down the winding streets that surrounded the arena. It was pitch black now, and the wind was making the temperature drop even more. My pace had significantly slowed down due to the cold. It was really affecting my body.

I stopped suddenly when I felt someone’s eyes on me. Quickly turning around there was no one there. But as I turned back to my original position, there was a guy standing in front of me.

He was about 15 cm taller than me and big. Like big, big. I gasped as he threw the wine glass that was previously in his hand to the pavement, mashing it into shards of glass.

My eyes widened with fear as he grabbed my arm before I could run to safety. He roughly grabbed my waist and started kissing my neck. Shrieking in agony as he tightened his grip on my wrists, I started to sob. After he had finished licking my neck, he pushed me onto my back. However, by doing this, I cut my hand on the broken bottle. I watched as the blood started to trickle down my wrist, without realising that the man had retrieved a knife from his back pocket.

He pinned my hands up above my head with one hand and cut open my top with the hand that held the knife. Grinning as he searched my revealed torso, he left a trail of drunken kisses along my stomach. He slowly looked up at me and blew me a kiss, before trailing the knife down my abdominal line.

Yelping in pain, I began hysterically crying for help. I needed help, and since there was no one else here to help me, I had to help myself. With as much force as I had, I kicked the drunken man in the genital area. He immediately responded by dropping the knife and releasing my hands so that he could comfort his man parts.

With this, I took the opportunity to run. I grabbed my handbag and ran as fast as I could back to the arena. Maybe harry would still be there. Maybe he could help me.

The pain from my abdomen was immense, yet I still found the will power to continue on with my journey to safety.

As I saw the arena come into my view, I started slowing down. Looking down at my hand, the blood was still trickling out.

I finally reached the arena, and the buses and security cars were still there. Trudging over to the building, I started to feel light headed and tired. Forcing my eyes open, I saw a tan guy leaning against the grey arena having a cigarette - Zayn. I stumbled towards him and whimpered: “help me … Zayn” before falling to the ground.

“Oh my god, Danielle!?” I heard the guy say before he proceeded to yell out other names. “Liam! Niall! Louis! Harry! Paul! Come quick” his voice sounded really stressed.

I hear a stampede of feet before someone talks “Danielle! Oh god, what happened!” this voice definitely belonged to harry. Amongst the other yelling, his stood out the most.

I opened my eyes to see a group of people around me, looking to see if I was alright.

“T-there was a g-guy and he had a k-knife a-and ..” that was all I could get out before I was being picked up by Harry’s strong arms.

I forcefully kept my eyes open to see where he was taking me. When my vision was fully focused I could see that it was to one of the tour buses.

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