Chapter 22- Picture Perfect

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I feel like this story is almost over.
Like really really really close. *coughs profusely*


Jay's POV

"Now that the war is over, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"I think we both know what we want. It's just kind of hard to admit." She stated.

"You're right." I replied, leaning on her.

"It's hard." She whispered, placing her head on my shoulder.

I followed along, placing my head on hers. "I know, it's just a natural fear of not lasting long. That's the terrible thing about being anything but normal."

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah. We both know it, but if we say it and we end up dead, then it'll all just go to shreds."

"Yeah." She softly said, "It's the power of the undead."

"I know. But right now, I don't really think I care. I've watched so many people die in painless ways and I still think pain is better. I love you."

"I love you too." She answered, lifting her heard slightly and planting a kiss on my lips.

I moved along, in a perfect rhythm, and we spiraled down to a place undiscovered. Aphrodite's realm. We pulled apart, and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, quickly glancing away and returning to our respective positions.

"I love you."

She spoke quietly, softly, slowly. Just once more.

"Je t'aime." I responded, letting the language flow like it was nothing.

I hadn't spoken it ever since the nightmares that haunted me, caused by my childhood. She closed her eyes, a soft smile tugging her lips, and she sighed blissfully.

"Mon amour."

The perfect picture frame moment.

(I wrote that at 12 pm when I was on oovoo talking to my friend and I sort of died.)



"Cactus! Get down here!" I heard Jasmine yell.

We had been dating for roughly three years. I had asked her out a day after our picture perfect moment. She had been so happy that when she hugged me, she accidentally teleported us to Italy.

Turns out that her Nyx powers were finally alive. She spent the next year trying to perfect her control over her new powers. The year after that, she went into more depth with her powers of Apollo and her newly gained weapons from joining the Followers of Fred. The third year was spent with family, friends, and me. Plain old Jay had managed to take someone truly breathtaking and make her his.

I felt like today, the same day we shared our picture perfect moment, was when I would propose to her. It felt right. We had been together for three years, so I felt as if she would say yes. I was fairly confident, but there was still that part of me that thought she would say no and dump me on the spot.

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