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This is supposed to be a one shot sort of, and it has nothing to do with what's happening in the story now. Okay?
This doesn't effect anything and the girls know what their mother looks like based off of old Greek stories.

Let's start!

"You got a case?" The green eyed Hunter asks his brother.

Dean Winchester. Green eyes. Well known amongst monsters, he's been to hell and back, and he has a younger brother.

Sam Winchester. Younger brother of Dean. Brown eyes, long hair. Both of them are hunters. They hunt the supernatural. Demons, ghosts, gods, anything.

"Yeah. Here." Sam signals his brother to come look at his computer, where he's found a monster case to look at.

"A man died in a warehouse of Chicago. He was hung."

"Okay...what makes it our kind of job?"

"A month before, a girl died, around the same age as the man. She was also hung, her blood, all gone."

"I'm guessing the man's blood was also gone?" Dean questioned his younger brother, who simply nodded.

Dean took a swig of his beer, placed it on the table of the cheap motel they had booked, and sighed.

"Let's go then."

Meanwhile, their friend, Castiel, who happened to be an angel, was met by a dog. It was a black Labrador, his collar suggested his name was Shadow, but he didn't have an address on his neck.

Shadow unexpectedly barked, startling the angel a little. Shadow wagged his tail, turning around and running out of the park he was in. Castiel followed, curious as to what was happening. The dog led him to an abandoned warehouse.

Shadow stopped, looking at a box that was placed on the single chair in the room. Castiel walked over to it, opening it, and revealing one thing.

A ring.

He grabbed the ring, but there was a problem, it burned Castiel. It was so hot that Cas had to let it go, which in turn made the dog whimper.

Cas looked at the ring, not touching it. He spotted writing, and made it out to say something.

It said: FOF, and underneath it, in small, cursive writing, the name Jay.


The blue eyed angel tilted his head to the side, as he was confused.

(When he does that Hdjwjckkfie cute as fuck.)

The dog barked, wagging it's tail. All of a sudden, Castiel heard footsteps.

He teleported out, staying close to the room, but out of sight.

Now, we're met with three boys. Jay Martinez, (I forget who created the character of Jay but whoever you are I love you because I love Jay.), Anthony Pierce, and Ryan Braxton.

"I swear I left it somewhere in here." The Hephaestus teen told the other two boys.

"Why were you here in the first place?" Ryan's light blue eyes analyzed Jay, searching for an answer.

Jay's cheeks started to heat up, but he didn't answer. He only kept searching for his ring, which Castiel had taken, using his trench coat so as to not burn himself.

"Hey, what are you guys going to be for Halloween?" Ryan asked while searching.

"I don't know. Raven's going to dress up as Raven from the teen titans, and she wants me to dress up as Robin."

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