Chapter 20- War

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Laura's POV

Total war. That was the only way I could describe what was going on at this very moment. Chaos was ensuing and I just prayed to every god I could think of. I didn't want anyone of the followers to die, but I knew it was bound to happen.

That doesn't mean I have to like it. I wasn't around any of the followers, which worried me a little. Once I defeated all of the monsters around me, I stopped to view the area around me. I immediately spotted some of the followers, our necklaces and bracelets matching up with each other.

I joined their fight, sort of wondering where Ryan and Jasmine were. Ever since Ryan and I have gotten together, I had been happier. I always had a feeling that something would go terribly wrong though. I didn't know what exactly, I just knew something would.

I again surveyed the area, finally spotting someone looking at me with amusement clear in their eyes. Phlegethon, the river of fire. Fire sparked on their eyes with a twinge of laughter in them. Immediately, I got my sword out. The rivers weren't technically gods right? So what really were they in their form of human?

They were like steroid demigods. I wondered where the other betrayal rivers were. I truthfully feared them more than their leader, the fire River. Acheron was the river of lamentation. Cocytus was the river of woe. Those were very bad combinations with demigods, as we were all like time bombs waiting to explode with a rush of emotions.

"I would've preferred to duel with your sister, but she seems to be busy at the moment."

The river seemed to smirk and I just wanted to kill it right then and there. To wipe that smug little smirk right off of its face. I sprung up, trying to make a cut on the river. I successfully achieved my goal, but all the river did was cover up the scar with some water.

That's when I began to think, how do you stop a river? You can flood all of its water out. That wasn't an option. You can fight fire with fire...that could work. Hephaestus kids is what we needed for this river.

I tried to connect with Hephaestus children from the followers, and I ordered them to get to me quick. A group of 6 appeared, and so I left them all to fight the dreadful river. They fought fire with fire, and I could tell they won when a massive fire ball was thrown onto the river, and a loud cheer was heard after.

I seem to be having some spare time on my hands, so why not look at how others are doing? Frank, the Roman praetor, was giving orders to Romans, as was Reyna. Percy and Annabeth were fighting back to back, and they were slowly getting surrounded. I can help with that.

Just as Annabth was about to be attacked, I pulled out my bow and shot the cyclops in the eye.

It said,"I planned to betray the rivers if they won." and then it died.

I had pulled out my truth bow on accident. What an interesting discovery...

A cry full of sadness was heard throughout the battlefield, making my eyes become glossed, and then I knew that Acheron had died.

Only Cocytus left to kill. This time I heard a cry full of woe close to me. I turned around quickly, faced with a sobbing Jessica Grace. She was a daughter of Aphrodite who had joined the followers right when they were brought together.

"I hate everything! I hate it all! I hate my mother, she doesn't even love me." Jessica wailed.

"Don't look at it in the eyes!" I heard someone shout, seemingly far away.

I felt a presence behind me so I immediately faced the ground.

"Why won't they look at me in the eyes? They're all too afraid to face me, I'm all alone in this world!" It cried, stopping in front of me.

It tilted my head up, so I shut my eyes tight.

"Jessica! She's dead! Gone! You didn't go anything to try and save her, how could you?"

Its body was shaking, frail hands grabbing my arms. How could I beat this river if I couldn't even look at it? Think Laura, think!

In a quick, probably bad decision, I opened my eyes, looking at the river with cold hard eyes. The process began.

I was crying. Sobbing. Choking on my sobs, soon finding it hard to breathe. My thoughts were filled to the brim with all the things that made me sad. My mother not being with me. My father not being near me until recently.

Jessica didn't utter those words on purpose, she thought them. Her thoughts were her words. But how could you clear out all of these things? These awful things inside your head. It wasn't worth it, the pain of living would be more unbearable than this.

I should just give up, right? It would be easier that way. Yeah. It really truly would. I could be happy and out of this world in a matter of seconds. But I would leave everyone behind.

"Just like I had to leave Styx!" The river cried out, it's figure appearing in my head.

"She was changing me, is what they said. So they separated us! We couldn't see each other anymore. Just as your mother and your father were. Don't you see Laura? I'm not in the wrong, I'm in the right. Your father Apollo will appear any second now, to save you and kill me, but wouldn't you rather just die and get it over with?" The river asked, looking at me with eyes of understanding.

"Yes, yes yes. But oh gods no." I whimpered, lips shaking and my mind overflowing.


"You would just be separated, just like Styx and I were." The river stated.

But I heard another voice after her, Ryan.

"Laura! Laura don't listen, wake up! Come on, please stay alive. Don't give into her." Ryan pleaded with me.

I tensed, the room I saw as black became the camp again. I saw the river in front of me still, its eyes looking completely dead.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, tears in my eyes as I brought out my sword and stabbed the river in the heart.

It had died. The only way to defeat sadness is to find something to grip onto in this life. Something that makes you happy.

The next thing I know, I was being hugged. It was Ryan. I hugged back, the battle was done for. But wait, who faded?

I pulled back from Ryan and I saw tears spilling down his face uncontrollably.

"Anthony, Alex, and Raven. They're gone, they sacrificed themselves to save Apollo. As followers, and Alex being a Night in his past life, they were able to. They're gone Laura, gone."

"Jessica." was all I said before I started to cry.

"We need ceremonies."

I heard somebody say, turning to see that it was my sister, her eyes glossed over but she still wasn't crying.

"Ceremonies for the halfbloods who have died in this battle."


It's tired I'm late whatever.

I've been doing really well and school but I feel shitty today so I'm sorry.

Vote comment blah blah blah

JAGTHI~ December 9?, The day of why did you cough

I'm done.

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