Chapter 14- Meetings and Nightmares

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2.2k words of storyline. I'm so proud of this chapter, more towards the end.

Jasmine's POV

"Ah, it's not good to be back."

"Wow." I exclaimed as a response to Lily.

"Hey have you seen Anthony? I need to talk to him." I changed the subject quickly.

"No. I was going to ask if you have seen Raven. I want to talk to her about Supernatural."

"No idea. I haven't seen her in a while now that I think of it."

"Hey Jasmine." I snapped my head in the direction my name was coming from.

"Hey Jay! How's life?"

"Pretty good, I'm not even lying. I haven't been having any flashbacks lately." He told me.

"I'll see you later Jazz, I'm going to try to find Raven. Later Jay!"

We both said goodbye to Lily, and then she was off into the Camp Half-Blood forest.

"That's awesome Jay! So what did you need?"

Jay and I have become very good friends since he joined the followers. He's a really nice guy, hyper and goofy at times but a nice guy nonetheless. The best people are also the goofiest.

"It's not me who needed something, it's Chiron. He told me to tell you to go to the Big House, and that it's important."

I sighed, "Thank you Jay. I guess I have to go."

I turned around to leave but Jay caught my wrist and turned me around.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just some things going on. I'm sure Apollo will tell you guys later."

Jay solemnly nodded and dashed off to reunite with his brothers and sisters.

Meanwhile, I ran to the Big House. When I arrived, I knew what this was. A meeting. Rachael Elizabeth Dare was there. That could only mean one thing, we were going to hear all of the prophecy.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes become a dark green instead of emerald, and when she spoke, green smoke came out of her mouth, enveloping the room.

"Your greatest achievement shall be your demise, for the old again shall rise. There will be a great war, as the fates don't want a bore. A mistake shall be made, and a God will then fade. The war will end with a sacrifice, one will not suffice. An old family shall reunite; they will spark great light. In hell must the evil rest, this is the final test."

Rachael's knees buckled, but Will Solace caught her.

"Nice to see you all. It feels like forever, but it's only been more than a month, around two actually." Laura spoke behind me, I didn't even notice her.

"So I'm guessing we are going to speak about-"

Someone interrupted me, the door opened again, and a flash of silver glimmered in the sunlight.

"Sorry I'm late, we were busy in the Artemis cabin." Thalia.

"You." She glared at me as soon as she saw me.

"Yes us. Cheers for ignoring me by the way." Laura piped up from in front of me.

"Why wouldn't we be here? I'm a leader of a group, same as you Ms. Grace. Please, act like the Lieutenant you are supposed to be." I spoke calmly.

"Now," I exclaimed as I turned to the others sitting around the usual meeting table, "I believe we are here to discuss the prophecy Dare just uttered."

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