Chapter 1- first advent day at school.

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I was running outside to meet my best friends Tracey and Alec for a ride to school in my faded skinny jeans, white t-shirt and bright pink sneakers. Seeing Alec and Tracey getting in the car I hollered "wait up guys." Tracey faltered for a second before getting in the car quicker dragging Alec with her. I always drive because I am the only one with a license. Being older by 4 months can have it's perks. We use Alec's parent's car because they have 3 vehicles and only need 2 right now. "Thought we where going to have walk to school," Tracey teased. "Ya and then we would have been late," Alec pipped up. We aren't close enough to school to walk so we have to drive or catch the bus, and the bus is so not cool. Today is the first day of advent 2015 and our school is heavily into the holidays so the teachers always have special activities planned for each day. I can hear Tracey and Alec talking in the back ground of my thoughts. Still half way conscious of the road and what is in front of me but still in my own thoughts I pull in to the side road to the school. Getting out we say goodbye to each other and head our own ways to our lockers to get ready for homeroom.

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015Where stories live. Discover now