Special Chapter

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Summary: Where Yuuta and Yuuki are still human and are still living with Kaien Cross and Zero. Yuuta and Yuuki are twelve and Zero is thirteen. Set on Christmas Eve.

"Yuuta, Santa is watching you," a deep voice says from the end of Yuuta's bed. Yuuta groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and yawning loudly, stretching his arms above his head. "If you be naughty I'll tell Santa about it. I'm a Christman Elf, I'm the one who makes your presents. If you be naughty you won't get no presents this year."

"Chairman, what are you doing?" Yuuta asked sleepily, crawling towards the end of the bed and looking over. Kaien Cross' mouth drops open in shock when Yuuta stared at him from over the side of the bed, a frown across his youthful face and his white hair tousled from sleep.

"I'm not Kaien Cross, I'm a Christman Elf taking the form of Kaien Cross," Cross says as a cover up. "And call him 'Father.'"

"I know it's you Chairman," Yuuta says, rubbing his eyes and yawning again. "You did this last year. And the year before, and the year before that, and the year -"

"OK, OK, you got me," Cross sighs, standing up. He turned on his heel and walked toward the door. "I'll try it to Zero since he's only been here a couple of months."

"Zero-Kun would get angry if you wake him up too early," Yuuta muttered, falling back against the pillows. "Zero's never a happy in the morning."

"Zero, Santa is watching you," Cross whispers from the end of Zero's bed. Zero groans and sits up, crawling to ten end of his bed and glaring down at the Chairman. "And before you say it I am not Kaien Cross. I'm a Christmas Elf in the shape of - Ouch!"

Zero had slugged Cross on top of the head hard, causing him to fall over forward, his eyes replaced by Xs and his legs twitching every now and then in the air.

"Don't wake me up too early in the morning," Zero grumbled, laying back down and getting comfortable once again.

"I told you so," Yuuta mumbled from his own bed, having heard the commotion from the other side of the house.


"Hey Chairman, can I ask you something?" Yuuta asked, standing beside Cross as he cooked dinner for that night. Cross took his glasses off and wiped them after the steam fogged them up and put them back on, nodding at Yuuta to go on. "You know how you told us in the car safety lesson that if someone is really tired they can crash and kill people?"

Cross nodded, adding some parsley flakes into the soup.

"And you know how you told us in the science lesson that the world is different in time difference?"

Again, Cross nodded.

"Well, if Santa has to go around the world in one day with no sleep, wouldn't he be tired and crash the slay and kill all the reindeers?"

Cross froze, wracking his brain for an answer to the twelve-year-old's question. Finally, coming up with a good one, Cross said, "well there's a spell that Santa cast on himself that on Christmas Eve he doesn't need to sleep."

"OK," Yuuta sighed, not sounding satisfied with the answer. "Can I ask you another question? You know how in the health lesson you said that when people drink too much alcohol, like beer, they become drunk and no longer have control over themselves, meaning that if they drive they can crash and kill people and get arrested for drink driving?"

Cross nodded, knowing where this was going.

"Well, if Santa has to drink beer from every single house in the world, why hasn't he crashed the slay or been arrested for drink driving?"

Cross sighed. "Don't worry about it Yuuta. Dinner's ready."

"Can I ask you another question?"

Cross groaned.


"Yuuta, what are we doing?" Yuuki mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes. Yuuta had dragged her out of bed (he didn't dare drag Zero out of bed because he didn't want a slug to the head and a black eye the next morning) to stake outside the living room, hiding behind the wall and staring hard at the fireplace that was right across from the huge, colourful Christmas tree.

"I'm waiting for Santa," Yuuta told her, never taking his eyes off the fireplace incase Santa somehow came, placed the presents under the tree and left before he even knew what was happening. "I want to ask how he's able to go around the world drunk and tired."

"Yuuta, Chairman said that Santa won't come if the children aren't asleep," Yuuki mumbled, wiping her eyes and yawning.

"Well, I'll pretend to be asleep while he comes," Yuuta mumbled. He heard a faint snore and turned to see Yuuki had fallen asleep


Yuuta quickly looked back to the fire place to see someone lying on their face, covered in soot and ashes and muttering profanities under his breath. He was wearing a red and white suit, a Santa'a hat and had long white hair and beard. He looked like Dumbledore from Harry Potter but Yuuta knew it wasn't him.

It was Santa.

"He must be drunk already," Yuuta mused as Santa got to his feet, swinging the brown sack over his shoulder and stalked towards the Christmas. He tipped the sack upside down and a whole lot of presents dropped down, creating a giant stack of presents before he turned around and left through the front door. Yuuta stared at the Christmas tree in shock, his mouth hanging open.

Santa had come!

And he must have been really drunk and tired to drop the presents under the tree carelessly and left through the front door, tracking soot and ash all over the ground.


Cross watched as the children opened their presents, looks of amazement upon their faces as they got the presents that Cross had bought. He sat beside Kaname who was watching the scene with a warm look on his face as he watched Yuuki and Yuuta.

"Thank you so much for pretending to be Santa last night Kaname," Cross says, taking a sip from his tea. "I really appreciate it."

"You should be thanking Hanabusa for that," Kaname laughed cruelly. "After he tried to bite the Day Class girl yesterday I made him do it instead. He couldn't get the soot and ashes off of him, and he even fell down the chimney."

The house filled with laughter, the air filled with the Christmas cheer.

Merry Christmas!

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