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"Yuuki, the world is coming to an end!" I wail, grabbing her shoulders and nearly pushing her down. "Everyone is going to die and the only ones left will be us Purebloods and there will be no blood sources which will cause us to massacre each other and than there will be no survivors!"

"Yuuta, calm down!" Yuuki yells, pushing me backwards with a palm to the head. "What makes you think the world is ending?"

"My friends Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the twins, are fighting!" I wailed, clutching my head. "If they are fighting than the apocalypse is happening!"

"Yuuta, you over react too much," Yuuki says. "Look, siblings fight all the time. It's a part of life."

"It's not a part of these siblings' lives!" I cried, jumping towards her and wrapping my arms around her legs. "Yuuki I don't want to massacre you and Kaname!"

"Yuuta ~!" Yuuki said in a low growl, her brown eyes flashing crimson in anger. "Stop. Being. So. Over. Dramatic."

"I hope there aren't any zombies coming to eat my brains!" I was in hysterics now, grabbing my head as if there were zombies coming to eat my brains. "Zombies and vampires don't mix!"

"Yuuta, I'm so sorry," Yuuki says as she pulls me to my feet.

"Huh?" I question, looking up at her.

"PUREBLOOD ~" Yuuki shouts, positioning her knee. "KICK!" My eyes widen as Yuuki knees me in the groin, sending white hot pain through me. I fall backwards, crashing into the floor and twitching and screaming caused by the pain in my southern region.


"Well, it gives you something to think about rather than the world ending," Yuuki says. The door ones and Yuuki turns around to see who it was but I didn't.

"Oh, hello Oniisama," Yuuki greets as Kaname walks towards her, pecking her on the lips and looking down at me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Yuuki kneed me in the place it really hurts," I croak, sitting up. "And I'm in pain."

"Maybe you deserved it," Kaname says. "And about the soirée -"

"I already said I'm not going," I say, slowly lifting myself up off the ground, wincing. Kaname sighed.

"I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter," Kaname says. "I'm sorry Yuuta but you have to go."

"Why?" I demanded.

"It's a party to introduce you and Yuuki into the vampire society," Kaname explains. "And you can't be introduced to the vampire society if you don't show up at the party."

I groan, knowing I can't exactly argue against my cousin when a knock sounds on the door. I look up at the clock to see it was seven o'clock at night, too late for someone to come visit. I hesitantly made my way over to the door, ready to fight or take flight if it was a hunter, and opened the door to find one of the twins.

"Kaoru? What are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes flying to his hair. "And why is your hair blue?"

"Can I stay here tonight?" Kaoru asked, shifting from foot to foot. I blinked at him in confusion. The fight between him and Hikaru must be worse than I thought if they couldn't stand to be in the same house as each other, and I'm guessing their house was more of a mansion than a house. I would have thought that it would almost be impossible to cross paths in that giant mansion, but obviously not.

"Sure," I say, stepping aside to let Kaoru in. "Do you have a spare uniform for tomorrow?"

"No," Kaoru answered, not meeting my eyes. "I walked here and didn't think of getting anything."

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now