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"So now we have our very own Otaku?" I asked as I stared at Renge sitting beside Kyouya on the couch with Tamaki, Haruhi, Honey and Mori behind them and Hikaru, Kaoru and I on the couch across from them. Renge was looking to at Kyouya, dreamy eyed as she asked, "according to my research I understand that you are in charge of managing the club, is that true Kyouya?"

"Wow, she and Kyouya will make a great couple," I mumble. "They both have a love of stalking." Hikaru and Kaoru both nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Kyo-Chan is our director," Honey agrees.

"You're the club's director? Wow, that's perfect!" Renge says dreamily. "Oh wow, I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business."

"We don't advertise, we're just a host club," Hikaru and Kaoru say together mater-of-factly. Renge does a little spin and puts her fingers to her face the way Tamaki does, minus the black screen and lightening.

"I've made up my mind! For now on I'm going to be the manager of this host club," Renge says, making her mind up about something that doesn't even need manager. Hikaru and Kaoru both groan as I say, "she's not listening guys. Don't even try to argue, it will just go over her head."

"Um, listen Kyouya," Tamaki says nervously. Kyouya pushes his glasses up his nose as he says, "Miss Hoshakuji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client. So be polite and try not to defend her all right?"

"I can't promise that I nor Hikaru or Kaoru will not affend her!" I snap, standing up and pointing at Kyouya, the bell jingling. I was the only one in the host club who hadn't changed out of my kimono. "If she wants to do something Otaku-ish to me I will you-know-what and turn her into a you-know-what so that I can make her you-know-what."

"I do know what the first two you-know-whats are but I don't know what the last one is," Kyouya states. From the corner of my eye I saw Kaoru giving me a questioning look before he realises what I was talking about.

"I don't know what you mean," Tamaki says. "What are the 'you-know-whats' Yuuta?"

"None of your business," I say in a deadly voice, turning my glaring eyes onto Tamaki who screams a bloodcurdling scream.

"Well boys, I cannot wait to work with you," Renge says, my threat to turn her into a vampire going over her head, even though she didn't know what the threat was actually about.
"I thought about it a lot last night," Tamaki says as we sit around the giant coffee table after host club duties, "and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea."

"Why do you say that?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.

"Well it's fairly obvious isn't it? Renge just transfered into the same class as Haruhi. So if Haruhi has a girlfriend around it would bring out the female within her. Renge's girly share of tenderness could probably stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity."

"Good grief," Haruhi mutters so low only I heard it with my vampire hearing.

"Tamaki, you do realise that this isn't a good idea," I say, raising my hand to get the blonde idiot's attention. "If Haruhi becomes more girly, as you I put it, she will be revalued as a girl or thought to be a stereotypical homosexual boy."

"Don't be ridiculous Yuuta!" Tamaki says. "If Haruhi becomes a true girl -"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Haruhi asked, looking annoyed.

"Than you will have a true sister!" Tamaki finishes, crossing his arms in triumph. A sweat drop appears on both mine and Haruhi's head.

"For the last time Haruhi is not my sister," I snap. "We are not related in any way, shape or form. Got it?"

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now