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God help me, I thought as I sat at a big oak table, plates of food in front of me: rice, vegetable soup and something that looked like coleslaw but without any carrot in large portions. I wondered how they expected me to eat all this. The Chairman of Ouran was sitting at the head of the table, looking like a grey haired version of Chairman Cross, all happy and lovey dovey; Yuuki sat across from me, her hair tied up in a ponytail and her brown eyes eyeing the food with excitement; Tamaki sat opposite his father, already eating his; and surprise, surprise Kaname, who sat beside Yuuki. He wasn't eating anything, but he was polite enough to hold a knife and fork.

"Thank you so much for inviting us over for dinner," Kaname said politely, grinning over at Souh. "We really much appreciate it."

"Your welcome Mr Kuran," Souh said. "Anything for your sister and cousin. Just call us if you ever need anything."

"And we will," Kaname says. He looks over at Tamaki, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Beauty must run through your family," he says. Souh and Kaname both chuckle at that, perhaps to their own private joke. I knew Kaname's private joke was because of the Pureblood ethereal beauty. I didn't know what Souh's was though.

"You sound like a nice version of Yuuki's childhood friend Zero Kiryuu," Kaname says. (A/N: a little private joke of mine since Zero and Tamaki are both voiced by the same voice actor). Yuuki broke out in laughter at that. I didn't. Zero had been a good friend of mine since I understood his hatred for vampires: if my family had been massacred by a vampire I would have hated them too. The truth was I had had a boiling hatred for them as well, and Zero and I had bonded over our hatred for vampires. So when I was revealed to be a Pureblood vampire I felt bad for betraying Zero like that, even though I had no say in what I was. If I hadn't tried to remember my past and Kaname didn't have to Awaken me will Zero and I still be friends? And what would be of Rido's heart in me? I could only imagine how much Zero hates me now.

Yes, you are the very thing that Zero despises. You are a monster, a hear Rido's voice say in my head. I grounded my teeth, trying to ignore his voice. Ever since Rido died he has been speaking to me through my head, and it was very annoying. Everyone was looking at me in concern, but only Kaname knew what was going on.

"Are you alright?" Souh asks. I nodded and stab a piece of stake with my fork, wishing it was Rido's heart that was inside me. I watched as the blood oozed out of the stake, pooling across the plate.

The true nature of a vampire is to want blood all the time, is it? Rido says into my mind. Maybe you should drain every human in this room and have some Kuran pure blood.

"Shut up," I hiss between my teeth. Souh blinks at me in confusion.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Tamaki asks.

"I'm fine," I answer quickly. Kaname narrows his eyes.

Maybe you should drain everyone at Ouran, Rido puts in. I can imagine him laughing. You know what they say, like father like son.

"Shut up! Leave me alone!" I scream, causing the window behind me to shatter. I scramble to my feet and run out of the dining room, climbing some stairs and bursting into a random room that happened to be a bathroom. I locked the door behind me and collapse against it, sliding down. I start to breath deeply and I looked up at the mirror, where I saw Rido's reflection instead of mine. Rido's dark brown hair was ruffled, and his red and blue eyes were wicked as they stared into mine. He smirked at me and said, "Admit. You are like me: you are my son."

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz