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"So Hikaru, Kaoru these are the kimonos your mother designed?" Tamaki says as he looks at the materials in front of him. Hikaru and Kaoru both nodded, picking up the kimonos and handing them out. Kaoru handed me a white kimono and purple obi along with the white wig and pink contact lens. We had the idea that I would dress as my mother at today's club duties. So while everyone was getting dressed into their kimonos I tied the obi around my waist, tying it like my mother did. I attached the bell to it and put the wig on, lastly the contact lens. I looked at my reflection, seeing not Yuuta Kuran but Shizuka Hiou.

"So what exactly is today's theme?" I ask, walking towards the host club who were all gathered around Tamaki's 'throne.' Tamaki looked up as he heard the bell jingling, his eyes widening as he took in my appearance. The other Host Club members looked up too.

"Wow Yuu-Chan!" Honey says, jumping onto me. "You look so pretty as a girl!"

"Thanks," I say, plucking Honey off of me and placing him on the ground. "This is what my mother looked like."

"Than you must be a splitting image of your mother!" Tamaki says, breaking himself out of his own reverie. He turned to Haruhi, who was trying to pull the sleeves of her kimono up. "Haruhi, you should wear that next! Daddy wants to see what you will look like as Yuuta's mother!"

"No way in hell Sanpai," Haruhi says, giving up with the sleeves. A single tear drops down Tamaki's eye and he ends up sitting in his infamous Corner of Woe, a single red rose petal falling onto his shoulder. I shook my head at the Idiot King, walking to his 'throne.' I sat down onto the chair and tapped my bare foot, grinning from ear to ear.

"You know, this chair is quite comfortable," I state, looking over at Tamaki. "I think I'll be king now Tamaki." Tamaki whirled around off the floor, his face contorted in anger. His face turned red as he rushed over at me, his eyes becoming a spark.

"Yuuta!" he shouted into my face, blowing the hair back. "Don't steal Daddy's chair! It's not right to steal things from people!"

"Daddy? Who are you calling Daddy?" I ask. "Both my uncle, who was more of my father and my real father are dead. The only father I have left is my adoptive father, and that is not you. I do not need four fathers Tamaki."

Tamaki begun to cry, grabbing a handkerchief out of his kimono sleeve and blowing his nose as he turned to Kyouya. "Mummy! Yuuta is being rebellious!"

"Who is Mummy?" Kaoru and I ask at the same time.

"According to the club's positions I'm assuming it's me," Kyouya sighed. So Kyouya is the mother, Tamaki is the father, Haruhi is the daughter and the twins and I are the sons. Who are Honey and Mori? I still think they are the next door neighbours. "Never mind the father game, the guests will be arriving any minute now."

Tamaki recovered and sat in his chair after pushing me out. He grinned as he said, "are you all ready men? The session is going to start any minute now. Get into position."

We all get into position and wait for the guests to arrive. As soon as the door opened and all the love-heart eyes girls came in, everyone said together, "Welcome," as I said, "Kaname? What are you doing here?"

"I've come to see what the host club is like is all," my cousin says, walking into the room. He eyes my costume. "Dressing up are you? You really do look like Shizuka Hiou. Maybe I should start calling you Kuruzaki-Ouji."

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now