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"Her name is Sakura Yui," Kyouya reads from his black book. "She is a Class C vampire and her family owns a fitness business. She transfered to Ouran after her father bought a fitness company here and she transferred to Class 2A." Kyouya finishes reading and shuts the black book with a loud snap. "I got all the information on her like you asked but may I ask why you wanted it?"

"Because I have my suspicions about her," I answered, sitting down into a chair with a steaming cup of tea and a box of strawberry pocky. "Class C vampires usually don't have ties in the human or vampire worlds: they're just there. It's usually Class B - the Aristocrat vampires that have ties in the human world."

The door opens and the other host club members walk in. Tamaki was holding a lap top between his arm and the twins were wearing identical green hats. Honey was sitting on top of Mori's shoulders clutching Usa-Chan to his chest and Haruhi was carrying tea sets. I walked over to the twins. "What's with the hats?" I asked, pointing to the identical hats. Hikaru and Kaoru both grab the bill of the hat.

"These are part of a game we play with the ladies," they say together. "They love playing it but they cannot get it right."

"And what game is that?" I asked.

"The 'Which one of us is Hikaru' game!"

"What a stupid game," Haruhi says as she walks pass. The twins turn to her. "What? Do you have a problem with that Haruhi?" Haruhi stops and turns to face them.

"Not really, I just don't understand why you two are so popular," she says.

"So do I," I agree. Hikaru and Kaoru turn to each other in mock hurt. "That's not very nice." I roll my eyes and go to sit down but Hikaru grabs my arm.

"I'm disappointed," he says. I groan and try and pull my arm out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go. Kaoru grabbed my other arm. "It's obvious you don't understand the importance of having a pair of twins as members of the host club," he says.

"There's nothing important about that," I say, once again trying to pull my arms out of the twins' grasp but once again they do not let go.

"One," Hikaru says, ignoring my comment, "having two men with homosexual tendencies in the host club brings a thrilling theme to the host club that perks the girls' interest."

"And in our case because we are twins our relationship is taboo and more intriguing," Kaoru adds. They let me go - finally - and they walk over to a girl who was sitting on a chair, looking nervous as the twins approach her.

"But who wouldn't fantasize over twins?" Hikaru asks, placing a finger under the girl's chin, causing her to look at him. "Having two loves is better than one, don't you agree?" 

"It's a young woman's fantasy," Kaoru adds, doing the same thing as his brother.

"You're right," the girl says. She suddenly takes off into the sky, imaginary wings sprouting off her back and and her eyes becoming love hearts. "I can't take it anymore!" the girl squeals as Hikaru and Kaoru's fangirls begin squealing their heads off. I don't think my ears will ever be the same again, vampire healing or not. He look over after I hear Tamaki's shriek of horror and he collects his lap top, rushing over to us.

"Hikaru, Kaoru!" Tamaki shrieks, skidding to a stop in front of us. "When I put you in charge of the club's website, it was that you take it seriously!"

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now