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2 week time skip

"Yuuki, you look ridiculous," I laughed as I stared at Yuuki dressed in a pink gown with a pink headband. Kaname had done Yuuki's manicure because we both knew she wouldn't be able to do it herself, and her face was covered in makeup. I wasn't used to this kind of thing, especially on her.

"Shut up Yuuta," Yuuki snapped, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "You look no better."

I cringed at her words. It was true, I did look ridiculous. I was wearing a black tuxedo and black dress pants with a blue tie. Kaname hadn't allowed me to skip the soirée and instead forced me to go to this party. If he was going to force me to go to this stupid soirée he could at least have let me wear something that was more comfortable.

"You shut up too," was all I said as I turned away. "At times like this I hate being a Pureblood. You know if we hadn't tried to remember who we were, we would still be living as humans in bliss."

"I know," Yuuki sighs. "But I like being a vampire though. I have Oniisama after all."

"I guess," I sigh.

"Are you two ready yet?" Hanabusa asks as he enters the room. He was wearing a navy blue tux and dress pants along with a red tie. I fought the urge to start giggling like a school girl.

"Yes you blonde bimbo," I say, walking passed him and out of the house where the limo was waiting. The only thing that we had that was richie-like was a limo. Yuuki, Kaname and Hanabusa join me in the limo on our way to the place the soirée was held.

"Yuuta and Yuuki, be aware of this before we go in," Kaname says, breaking me out of my daydream of being asleep right now. "I didn't tell them your names. It is your choice if you want to tell them your names or not. The vampire society claim to be loyal to the Purebloods but in reality they like to see us uncomfortable."

"That sounds like humans," I mutteredd. "We - I mean they - acted loyal to the politicians and all that but in reality they loved to watch them struggle with things. Humans and vampires are the same in that aren't they?"

"I guess," Yuuki sighs.

The limo pulls outside of the abandoned building the Aidou family owned where the soirée was being held and we made our way inside. My head begun to hurt the closer we got to the underground, my chance to escape this hell whole getting farther away as we took steps. Once again I started day dreaming of being asleep right now.

We entered the underground where everyone were standing around wearing fancy clothing and holding champagne flasks with swirling red liquid that by the smell I knew was blood. They all stopped whatever they were doing when we entered the room. I gave a quick survey of the room and I froze when I saw my old friend, Zero Kiryuu, standing in the crowd. Our eyes meet but Zero looked away.

Zero and I had been best friends back in my days as a human and I had understood his hatred towards vampires. So when I turned out to be one of the very vampires that Zero hated the most, a Pureblood, and that I was the son of the one who took his life as a human, we had lost touch and I haven't seen him until now.

"Kaname-Sama, welcome," a man that resembled the vampires from the movies says as he walks towards us, extending his hand towards Kaname who took it and shook it. "And is this young lady your sister and this young man your cousin?" He looked directly to Yuuki and I and we both flinched at the hungry look he was giving us. The other vampires gathered to stare at us, talking amongst themselves.

"Your majesties, we have been told of your existences but we still do not know your names," the stereotypical vampire says. "Please let us know your names your majesties."

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now