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Hikaru dribbled the ball down the basketball court, dodging around people and leaping into the air, throwing the ball straight through the hoop, earning an applause from the audience in his team mates. Hikaru cheered along with his teammates but someone's desperate call of, "take him to the infirmary!" got his attention. He turned and gasped at the sight in front of him: Kaoru was lying on his side, grabbing his injured knee. Hikaru rushed to his side immediately.

"Kaoru! Kaoru!" Hikaru called desperately.

"You've got to get back to the game Hikaru, we need you," the coach says, placing a hand on Hikaru's shoulder. "Shut up!" Hikaru snaps, pushing the coach's hand away. 

"Hikaru," Kaoru says weakly. "Listen to me. Please don't worry. There's nothing you can do, you can't share my pain. You're not the one that got hurt. Now go on." Kaoru places his hand on Hikaru's cheek, who grabs his hand with both of his.

"I can't! It hurts, it hurts Kaoru!"

Your pain is my pain. It doesn't matter to me if no one else understands. As long as we have each other we can go on living.

Tamaki stands in the rain, watching the two brothers, his hair drenched from the rain. He looks down as he says, "I'm sorry, I'm envious." The twins look up at him in shock and confusion. "The way you two support each other like that ..."

"But Souh-Senpai -" Hikaru starts. "- how can you be envious of us? You're the school's idol," Kaoru finishes. Tamaki closes his eyes with a soft chuckle.

"An idol, right?" Tamaki flips his fringe off his face and looks up at the sky. "I hate it how people all worship me for something so superficial as my appearance. I think it will be much better for me to be alone."

"There's nothing good about being alone," I say, walking up to the three of them. "Being alone only makes things worst. Death is a much better option, believe me. If you have eternity to live there's no saying that you will not get lonely. Death is the only way out for you Souh." Out of my jacket I pull out a knife, holding it infront of my face as I smile a cruel smile at Tamaki. "What do think, Souh?" Tamaki only looks away.

One lonely heart meets another. They pass each other, wounding one another. What are the hearts of these young men made of?"

Haruhi runs away from her persuaders, the only sounds her heavy breathing and her footsteps. She collapses against a tree, trying so desperatly to catch her breath. She turns around in fear as another footstep approaches her.

"You cannot run away forever," Honey says in a deadly voice. "I'm going to show you what happens to anyone who me."

"Don't do it Mitzkuni," Mori says, looking down at the smaller boy. "You should have realised by now that whenever you hurt others, you're really just hurting yourself."

"I didn't ask you for any advice," Honey says, hiding his eyes with his hair. "Do you want me to put you over my knee again?"

Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits this boys. Or will it be something else?

"You know it really pisses me off when people don't know their place," Honey says, giving Haruhi an evil look. He holds that look for a while before he loses it, and his big brown eyes become teary as he leaps onto Haruhi while shouting, "I'm so sorry Haru-Chan I can't do this anymore!"

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