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"Hold on, how can I be your twin brother?" I asked after I had gotten over the shock at the revelation.

"Well, when a woman has two eggs in her womb and when they're fertilised -"

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME WHERE BABIES COME FROM!" I quickly interrupted her, horrified. I remembered when Kaien Cross, my adoptive father when I was human, gave me, Zero and Yuuki 'The Talk.' He had even made a puppet show explaining about puberty and all the other stuff involving teenage hood. I had never been so horrified to see a puppet show in my whole life.

"Just tell me how come you were raised by Shizuka when the Senate took me from her when I was born," I said instead.

"When Shizuka was pregnant with us they didn't know that she was pregnant with twins," Asuna explains, walking over to the bed and sitting by Sakura's legs. "So after you were born the entire Senate were gone, leaving Shizuka alone. Then she gave birth to me and Kaname Kuran let her out of the cage. I was raised by Shizuka and her ex-human lover until I was twelve years old, when the Kiryuu hunters killed Shizuka's lover right in front of us. Then Shizuka attacked the Kiryuu family and went into hiding with Ichiru Kiryuu and I was left to fend for myself.

"Then the Yui family found me and took me in, not knowing that I was a beast in human form, but Sakura some how learnt about it."

Asuna walked over to the bed and perched by Sakura's head, raking her hand through Sakura's black hair with a soft smile.

"Sakura is more than a friend to me; she's more a sister than anything and I love her and she loves me, and because of that she lets me use her body and in return I give her some of my blood so that her body is strengthened."

"So you and Sakura have a sister relationship?"

"Yeah," Asuna answers with a far away smile.

(Asuna's P.O.V)

"Mum, where did you go?!" I yelled as I walked through the woods around the Kiryuu's house trying to find my mother who has been upset since my foster father's death. My mother is an emotional wreck at the moment and I'm afraid she'll do something she'll regret.

"Mum!" I shouted again, and that was when I smelt the blood coming from the Kiryuu house. That was when I knew what had happened. My mother had gone ahead and killed the hunters.

"I hope you're happy now," I muttered as I fell to my knees, the tears falling down my cheeks non-stop.

I don't know now long I stayed there, crying my eyes out, which was very un-Pureblood of me since my mother told me that Purebloods don't usually cry in public. No, we keep stone face and not show our emotions to the public.

"What's wrong little one?"

I looked up to see a human woman standing in front of me. She was a human police officer with black hair pulled in a tight bun at the base of her neck and kind green eyes.

"My mother abandoned me," I answered, sniffling.

"Did you see what happened here?" the lady asked. I shook my head no. The lady sighed and crouched down in front of me. "Have you ever met the twin boys Ichiru and Zero Kiryuu? They should be around your age. They disappeared from their home." Again, I shook my head no.

"Alright, what's your name?" the woman asked.

"Asuna," I answered.

"No last name?"

I shook my head no, afraid that if I told her my last name she'll recognise it straight away and do something to me because of me being Shizuka's daughter and all that. Instead the woman sighed again, scratching her scalp. I swear this woman must sigh a lot, being a police officer and all that. With the amount of idiots out there who think that they could outsmart a police officer they'll be sighting 24/7.

"Asuna, my name is Erza Yui," the woman explained. "Why don't you come home with me and I'll adopt you. Do you like that?"

I looked up at Erza in shock, my mouth practically hanging open. Was she really letting me stay with her? I can't wait, really. I've always been curious about humans ever since my mother fell in love one before she turned him into a vampire. Maybe I'll -

"Hey Asuna," Yuuta interupts my flashback, wiggling uncomfortably from side to side with a pained look on his face. "Can you please undo these chains?"

I looked up at him in annoyance.


"Because! My arms are killing me!" Yuuta complained. "It feels like they're going to fall off any minute now!"

"If they do fall off they'll just heal back and you'll be free," I point out. Yuuta sweat dropped and grumbled something under his breath, calling me something that rhymed with bitch.

I decided to ignore him, instead returned to my flashback ...

"Woah, this is your place?" I asked, amazed, as I looked around Erza's place. The hallway was long, with bright green wallpaper, many, many, pictures of the family and a mantel with more pictures. I walked into the living room, which had a cabinet with more pictures, a TV and a computer. This place sure has a lot of pictures.

"You'll get used to it my dear," Erza says, patting my back as she walked towards the bottom of a stair case. And then at the top of her lungs she yelled, "SAKURA! JASON! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW!"

Two doors burst open and a girl around my age and a boy who looked seventeen ran down the stairs, grumbling unpleasant things under their breaths that I could barely hear despite my amazing Pureblood hearing. The girl had Erza's black hair and green eyes and the boy had yellow eyes and brown hair, and I had to admit he was kind of handsome. 😍

"I'll like you to meet your new sister Asuna," Erza says, indicating to me. "Asuna, this is Sakura and Jason -"

"This is the worst flashback I've ever heard," Yuuta once again interrupted. "I'll rather listen to my adoptive father's and Tamaki's stupid speeches about peace between humans and vampires and beauty at the same time. And how the hell can you show it to me too? Is it a part of your power or am I doing a good job of imagining what's went on in your past?"

I whirled around to face Yuuta with a death glare that could kill anyone, even a Pureblood. The pained and fearful screams of Yuuta could be heard from all the way to Antarctica, where some penguins even looked up from what they were doing (just walking around) and an ice burg cracked and collapsed into the arctic sea. 

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now