Yes Sir

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Dippers P.O.V:
Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Ugh. I don't want to go back home. This sucks.
"Hey... (Y/n/n)..."
No response.
Oh no where did she go!? I look over at the door which we left open once we came in, or did we close it? I run down the stairs and check if she's in the living room. Nope. Gift shop. Nope. Where did she go? The party... maybe. I go to the party room and sure she's there, with my parents. Yay. I start walking towards them.
"And that's why I think they should stay here. Then you can think about the rest. And well, talk about the rest." I heard (Y/n) say.
"Mhmm, I'm not sure."
"Not sure about what mom?" I said while putting an arm around (y/n/n).
"Well your girl here, she says that maybe thinking about you guys coming here for school. I'm not sure though."
"We should. We can stay with Grunkle Stan, then maybe you and dad can talk about moving here permanently."
"I don't..." My mom started.
"Actually, this might work. Yes, you and your sister will stay here for the school year. Then we'll talk. The worst you two could of done was runaway or something." My dad says. Me and (Y/n/n) just look at each other.
"Yeah, runaway. So I guess it's settled. We stay."
"Yes, now Dipper take care. Also remember high school is a whole new thing. Don't do things like drugs. Ok, pugs not drugs."
"Yes sir. Thanks mom, thanks dad." I hug them.

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