Last Night Of Summer

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Your P.O.V:
I guessed my plan worked. No no. It DID work. Yeah that's it.
"So I guess will leave you two alone. We'll go tell the news to Mabel." Dippers mom said.
"Ok. Thanks for letting us stay!" Dipper said.
"Your welcome son." His dad responded.
"Wanna go to the roof or something?" Dipper asked.
"Yeah." I said.
We went up to the roof and talked about school. The topics were about joining clubs, when will we take health and gym, what classes we want to take and about not wanting assign seats. Assign seats were the worst, they are the worst. We started to see people leaving and headed back into the shack.
"Dipper!" We hear Mabel call.
"I was looking for you! Did mom and dad tell you that we're staying?!"
"Yup, and I can't wait till school starts!"
"Ew, you big nerd! Haha."
"Yeah ok."
"Well, everyone's gone time to clean up." Mabel said.
We were quiet while picking up. I guess there really wasn't something in our minds to talk about.

We where finally done cleaning up and we had to sleep. I was currently in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I had my (f/a) onesie on. Once I was done I went to our bedroom.
"What took so long? Mabel fell asleep." Dipper told me.
"Just kidding, except for the Mabel part."
*snoring sound in the back*
"Yeah Dip?"
"Time to go to sleep."
I started heading over to my bed.
"Come here."
"But I thought you said it's time to sleep."
"Just come here."
Dipper gave me a sign to sit on his bed. I did as told.
"Ok. I'm here."
"Go to sleep."
"Wait, but you just told me to-"
I was attacked by Dippers arm well not really. He just hugged me down to his bed if that's even a thing. We cuddled. At the end he had his arm around my waist and my back was facing him.
"I love you."
I heard him say.
"Love you too."

Love Can Be Tough (Dipper X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora