Accomplished Goal

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Dippers P.O.V:
Me and (y/n) have been hanging out for quite a long time already. I think it's time. We are currently sitting on the roof of the Mystery Shack.
"Uh (y/n)?"
"I know maybe it's not the best time to ask since your father and stuff. But do you maybe uh do want I mean well what I'm trying to say is if-"
"If I want to be your Girlfriend?"
"Uh yeah. (Y/n) Cipher, I Dipper Pines think your the girl anyone will want to have as their Girlfriend. The thing is I don't want to lose you, I don't want anyone else to be your Boyfriend. So do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I knew it! She hates me now.She doesn't feel the same way. I mean she's just looking at the scene going on tonight. I lost our chances.
"Yes I do Dipper Pines, I do want to be your girlfriend!"
"Even if I'm like one year younger than you?"
"Hey your almost a teen. You said your birthday is this week."
"Oh right. Hehe"
Yes I accomplished the biggest goal I had. Having (y/n) be my girlfriend. I also can't wait till me and Mabel turn 13! The rest of the night was fun. Me and (y/n) would hold hands once in a while. We will also hug each other at times. We also sang a song together. At one point (y/n) hung out with Mabel and her friends and told her how much she was enjoying the party, which was Mabel's gift. I really can't wait till Tuesday.

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