The Other Girl

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Your P.O.V:
I woke up to my uncle screaming "Who put this ceiling here!" I went down stairs not waiting for Wendy and the others and to have breakfast. I went into the bathroom took a shower and changed. I was wearing a white under shirt with a (f/c) flannel, it ran in the family. For bottoms, I used some high waisted shorts that where dark blue. I put on my (f/c) converse and headed to Wendy's room. Wendy was just putting on her boots when I went in. "Come on (y/n) were gonna be late!" We went to the Mystery Shack on our bikes.

"Mystery Hack" I read.
"Wow, how did the S fall down?"
"I actually don't know" Wendy told me. We left our bikes outside and headed in. Everything looked fake in there, no wonder it says Hack instead of Shack outside. There was a trucker hat that really cached my attention. It was simple, it was blue and white with a blue pine tree in the front. "If I were you I wouldn't let that thing win. There pretty expensive" I heard Wendy tell me. I forgot that I had brought my (f/c) backpack. I told Wendy I was going to go get it and stay outside and read. I went out side to see lots of tourist getting of a bus to go to the Mystery Shack. I grabbed my backpack took out my favorite paranormal/mystery book and sat on a bench near by.

Wendy's P.O.V:
I was reading the best article on this magazine. It was about flannels. I was reading until a bunch of tourist came in. I saw Dipper and Mabel come down to the gift shop.
"Now remember don't let your nervousness win Dipper" I heard Mabel tell Dipper.
"HEY WENDY!" Mabel greeted me really exited.
"H-h-hey W-Wendy" Dipper said letting his nervousness win.
"Hey guys, what are you guys up to?" I really wanted the awkwardness to go away.
Dipper was actually a bit cute but I am a bit to old for him. I might of gave him a chance if he was one or two years older, maybe, but there was a bit more chance if he were to be 18 and I 21 but I don't want him waiting. Anyways I don't think it will happen. I don't really look up to me and him.
"Nothing much, just need to go talk to Soos really quick, hehehe" Mabel said as if she had planed this day all her life. "So Wendy, I thought maybe we we we um we can uh you know um.. ugh never mind." Dipper left and went outside making the little bell on the door ring.

Dippers P.O.V:
I went outside to get some air. "Ugh why can't I ever ask her out on a date, I'm such a weirdo." I turned around to my left to see a girl stere at me like I was crazy.
"You think I am crazy don't you?" I asked her.
"Well not really lots of people try to talk to themselves and think there actually being really quiet."
Her voice was amazing she made me feel like I didn't mess anything up. "Wait Dipper you don't even know her!"
"The name is (y/n), (y/n) Ci.. I mean (y/n) Rider"
I went closer to her and sat next to her curious to what (y/n) was reading. "What is that?"
"Oh it's a book about paranormal and mystery things."
"Woah can I see it!"
I accidentally touched her hand, slowly I started holding it. She looked at me both our eyes meeting. Her (e/c) eyes shining in the sun and her (h/c) hair flowing with the wind. She was blushing, she knew I was holding her hand. I wanted to kiss her. She's beautiful. Why was she out here alone? Did she have a boyfriend? Wait Dipper you
"Just meet her."
"Oh um, yeah you can see it and yeah you just meet me."
(Y/n) said nervously, she was still blushing only now she was rubbing her hand so I wasn't holding it no more. I just hoped it lasted longer.

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