Really Mom?

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Your P.O.V:
"Mom let me ask you something. Did it ever occur to you that if dad is a Dream Demon, I'm also a Dream Demon?"
"Well I've though about it. You never showed any sign you were one. You will never disappear or shoot those fire things from your hands. Did you now this?"
"Yes, dad told me the first day he came and visited me."
"Why did you say Dipper here will understand."
"I said that because he nows about how weird gravity falls is and he knows my dad."
"Can I talk with (y/n) in private?" My dad said.
"Ok?" Everyone said in unison.
"Look (y/n) I didn't know this was going to happen. I only came to take you with me."
"What?! You were going to take me for what?"
"I don't want pine tree as your boy um your boy ugh your boyfriend!"
"Dad I know that he's your enemy and all that but he makes me happy."
"The thing is he's human he can hurt you. I don't want you to go through the same things I did."
"I know I'll get hurt here and there but I really really like him."
More like love him.
"No matter what I'll be here get that straight (y/n) and if he hurts you-!"
"Dad I get it, lets go back with them."
"Take her." I heard my mom say.
"What?" Me and my dad said.
"I said take her. If she's just like you I don't want her near, especially now that..."
"Now that what mom?" I said.
"I'm pregnant."
"And you really think I'll hurt your child mom!" I'm crying now.
"Well yes! If your like you're dad that means your a monster!"
"How can you say that! She's your daughter!" My dad said.
"I'll go start the car." My stepdad said.
"Haven't you noticed bill. She's always hanged out more with you than me. The only time she'll be with me is when I had to take care of her. When you were gone."
"Mom where did that whole thing about 'I didn't want to lose you' go?"
"Just... Forget I was ever here. Forget I'm your mother. I'm gone. The only thing I love and have to take care of is this baby in my stomach. I'll send your things from home here."
"Fine then."
With that I saw my mom walk to my horrible stepdad. Then they went of. I turned around and hugged Dipper. I guess my mom never loved me after all.

Love Can Be Tough (Dipper X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now