Well Ok Then (Short)

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Your P.O.V:
"So what now?" I said.
"I think I should ta-" Dipper cut of my dad.
"You should what Bill?"
"Well if you let me finish pine tree you might of already known what I was going to say."
"Well I'm sorry" Dipper said in a sarcastic voice.
I giggled. I'm glad to still have Dipper. He makes me so happy and after what just happened well I need him more that anything. Well not really. I really need a shelter, air, food, clothes, water, and all the things you need to survive. I mean I don't want to die. Putting all of that apart Dipper is basically all I need. I looked at my dad and signaled him that I don't want to go. He looked at me and signaled that he wasn't done yet.
"I'll be back my little spark" He said.
Well ok then. He left after that. Me and Dipper headed back into the shack where the party was happening.
"Damn it I forgot I'm still not of the hook. My parents." Dipper pointed at them. They were over at the drinks station. Well time to convince them Dipper has to stay.

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