Optimus is not happy to say the least...

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Ratchet walked through the ground bridge still holding the unconscious forms of Lacy, Emily, and Lillith. Hammerblade and Aquastrike, who were sitting dejectedly in the corner, ran over to greet their lost companions joyfully.
"Ratchet what happened to Emily?!" Aquastrike exclaimed worriedly as she went to take her from his arms. Hammerblade stood a few paces back watching with worry and discomfort.
"Lillith.." he whispered as he hung his head down to his chest and looked at the floor.
Ratchet shrugged Aquastrike away, "They need medical attention. Call nurse Darby."
Jack picked up his phone.
"Ratchet," the other Autobots backed away from the Medic as Optimus came forward angrily, "What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself or the humans killed."
"But I didn't. You see Optimus, there are things that can be done when protocol and waiting to make a "wise" decision," Ratchet finger quoted with his free hand "are left behind and traded for instinct and skill."
"Wow, Ratchet, you're starting to sound like Jackie," Bulkhead, worried for both the Medic, the Prime, and the humans currently in Ratchet's hand, said unthinkingly.
"Well maybe, he's the only one who's right for a change!" Ratchet stormed off towards the med bay and set up some human sized medical tables, "maybe I otta join him."
Optimus began to follow the medic.
"Optimus," Arcee said, "with all due respect, you can't reason with him right now. Let the Synth-en wear off and he'll be easier to talk to. He respects you when he's .... "normal"."
"That may be wise. I will put off further conversation until the Synth-en has gone through Ratchet's system. Until then, Ratchet is not to leave the base."
"SOMBODY CALL NURSE DARBY FOR PRIME'S SAKE!" Ratchet's voice echoed through the base as Jack began to dial his mother's number. He put the phone on speaker and everyone held their breath, well, the kids did, as the phone rang once, twice, three times, then they heard:
"Hello? Jack?"
"Mom, we need you down here. There's an emergency." Jack said, intensity in his voice.
"Who is it Jack? Raff or Miko?" Mrs. Darby's feet clicked on the floor.
"Actually, it's Lacy, Emily, and Lillith," Jack could hear his mother getting into her car, "They're new, and they were just rescued from the Con warship."
The car revved up, "Ok Jack, I'll be there as soon as I can ok?" She hung up the phone.
"R-Ratchet," Lacy coughed as she began to sit up on the human sized medical bed.
"Don't move Lacy," Ratchet put a finger on her shoulder and gently guided her back to laying down, "we don't know how much damage has been done to you," Ratchet raised his hand to his mouth and looked towards the hanger, "AND UNTIL WE HAVE NURSE DARBY HERE I CAN'T DO A THING!!"
" Really I'm fine Ratchet," Lacy crossed her arms but still stayed laying down, "But how are Emily and Lillith doing? Because that Deceptijerk took most of his electric rod malice out on them. Aperently, (Lol kid snippets) Emily's insults wern't apreciated and Lillith's screams are annoying. I thought Emily was hillarious, her middle name should be Hillary, and come to think of it, Lillith does have a nearly inaudible scream, very high decibels in that girl. Hey wait, wern't you telling me how they are, since I'm not allowed to look at them."
"Oh yes, you're totally fine," Ratchet wispered under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Oh, I said your friends are in the same condition you are, just they're uncontious."
"Really? Cause it sounded like you said, confess beauty is fine... did I ever tell you the story of how I lost my first tooth? Or the time I went to the store and bought two cakes instead of one (pop quiz! Can anybody tell me what I'm quoting here and answer with the responce? I might be able to squeeze in a mention in the next chapasnap for who gets it right first! Try to be very specific. I want show/ movie, episode (if applicable) and character who says it! Pm me the answer!)? Or the time I told Lillith told get a haircut and she said nnnnno! Or the time I drank two liters of cola in one sitting while watching a Lord of the Rings marathon? Or the time-"
"I'm sure those are all fascinating stories but I think Nurse Darby is here so perhaps another time."
Lacy sat up again "No I'm sure you'll wanna hear this one. This one time, I ate a twinky (no autocorrect I was not trying to say twin!) And then I dreamed that some writer girl wouldn't update her stories for me. I think her name was Mayanna or @Haosrules101 or somthing. But anyway, she-"
"Ratchet why are you letting an injured patient sit up?" Nurse Darby stood glaring in the entrance of the med bay.
"She's delirious!" Ratchet gestured helplessly toward the rambling Lacy.
"I bet she's not the only one," Nurse Darby walked past Ratchet and pushed Lacy back onto the bed as she went to go check on Lillith.

***time skip brought to you by the writer forgetting how doctors work. All she can think of is medical tricorders from star trek so... yeah. Timeskip.***

"Ratchet, you're not gonna belive this."

A/n dun dun dun what's gonna happen? Will our trio of friends be ok? Can anyone stop Lacy from telling pointless 4th wall breaking stories? Will anyone answer my contest question? All these questions and more will be answered in the next chapasnap of this exciting thrilling saga!
I'm sorry for taking so long but, so many destractions. So many. The latest being Pokemon. Gotta catch em all right? Anywho. Hope you enjoyed the chapasnap!

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