Aww man! Not the Cons again!

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Ratchet rolled up to the curb next to the entrance to the school yard.
"Have fun! Learn something!" Ratchet yelled in order to be heard over the 3 girls talking.
"No prob Ratch!" Lacy called back, " See you after school!"
"Kids and their short forms," Ratchet mumbled as he drove off.

Emily Lacy and Lillith walked through the school doors just after the warning bell rang. Luckily, Reece had just ducked into her classroom so they didn't have to worry about her for now. They each wandered into their respective classrooms and took their seats.
Lacy's teacher stepped to the front of the room.
"After Oh Canada we will be going to an assembley about the Holocaust. Our guest speaker is a survivor of Auschwhitz, so please be on your best behavior."
The national anthem started to play. Lacy stood and pushed her chair in so she stood behind it. (*shrugs* Force of habit) She smiled to herself. She was getting out of math class and she had been learning about World war 2 in history so she figured this would be a great oppertunity to learn about the Holocaust from someone who saw it firsthand. Her classmates stood silently around her. Finally when the woman on the other end of the PA system said "please be seated." Lacy pulled out her chair and sat back in her seat, waiting for the announcement to come that they could go to the gym for the assembly.
"I'll lock the door so there is no need for you to go to your lockers," the teacher was saying,"Please line up single file at the door."
Lacy stood up, and went with her classmates to the door. When the PA finally said to come, they all walked down the hallway towards the gym, where grades 4-8 were gathered. Chairs were laid out on the gym floor. Lacy quickly located Emily at the far end of the gymnasium by the big double doors leading outside. She walked over and took the seat next to her. Lillith wasn't far behind her.
"Isn't this cool?" Lacy asked her friends.
" At least I got out of writing an essay," Emily smirked.
"We'll I think it's-"
"Ssh! It's starting!" Lacy said cutting Lillith off.
The principal walked to the middle of the unchaired part of the front of the gym.
" Welcome everyone. Today to talk about her experiences in Auschwhitz is-" she was cut off by the sound of metal bending above their heads. Screams echoed through the gym as everyone watched as the entire roof was lifted off the walls and placed carefully beside the wall blocking our escape out the double doors to the parking lot. Kids started to run towards the doors at the other side of the gym but just before they reached it, a red arm reached around the top of the wall behind the stage and shot a fine laser beam that welded the door closed.
"Please tell me that's not what I think it is," Lillith said, picking up the weight of the situation.
"A Decepticon," Lacy glared as the red bot crawled over the top of the wall and dropped down onto the wood floor just in front of the stage, cracking it a little.
" Sit down children, this will only take a minute," Knockout said in his smooth voice, "I'm not here to hurt you," he chuckled," just here to collect a few friends."
The room was oddly silent.
"I only want the 3 girls, you are all girls aren't you? who are allied with the Autobots."
Nobody spoke.
"Do I have to hurt these nice people?" The red Con smiled poison.
At this, unable to control her fright any longer, Reece, ran across the front of the room, screaming.
"Ah, this one will do," Knockout reached out and plucked Reece out of the aile she was currently running down," Now I wouldn't have to hurt this nice girl just to meet the Autobot's new pets would I?"
Lacy was about to stand up when Emily pulled her back, "You stand up for Reece? Are you kidding?" She whispered.
"I don't care who she is, if we don't show ourselves now, that guy's gonna kill people. And that is not what the Autobots represent," Lacy whispered back, "plus Reece will probably be a lot nicer to us after this."
"Ok fine, I'll join you, but if I die, I'll kill you."
"You have no idea how wrong that sentence is," Lacy muttered. She stood up, followed by Emily and Lillith, "Hey!" Lacy seemed to startle the con enough to loosen his grip on Reece enough for her to wiggle out of his grasp and land unharmed on the ground, "I think you're looking for us!"
" Well well well, I never expected this would be so easy. Now, come along children. We have work to do."
The trio stood up and walked out of their row into the middle aile.
"Are you really sure we're doing the right thing?" Lillith asked frightened.
"Optimus would do it if he were us," Lacy replied, a determined look on her face.
"Sure hope you're right..." Emily said.
Knockout scooped the Trio up in his hand and smirked "Thanks for having me, I really enjoyed my visit to your," he paused choosing his words, " fine establishment." Knockout proceeded to climb back out of the gym. When the sound of metal upon concrete could no longer be heard in the gym, Reece said, "No wonder she survived Auschwhitz!"

---time skip brought to you by Knockout sawing part of the story off of Wattpad (wait what???????)---

Knockout walked into the control room slyly, quite pleased with himself for completing his mission successfully.
"Lord Megatron," Knockout sang, " I have a present for you!"
"You have the humans?" Megatron asked.
"Yes Lord Megatron. These beings have a higher sense of duty than I thought. Either that or they're just gullable."
" How quaint," Megatron peered down at the tiny humans, "You will be perfect to set our trap with" he laughed.
"The Autobots won't come for us! We just met 'um yesterday!" Emily yelled.
"En contrare mon petite fille, they will." Megatron smirked.
"Oh yeah? Well even if they do, they'll beat you to scrap metal!" Lacy retorted.
"I'd be surprised if they could even stand after what I've planned," Megatron began to tire of these pesky little creatures.
"If I could slap you," Lillith said but didn't finish her sentence.
"Take these troublesome little creatures to the holding cell." Megatron waved the Decepticon medic away.
"Yes Lord Megatron," Knockout began to walk away then turned, "Lord Megatron."
"What is it Knockout? Megatron sounded irritated.
"When did you learn french?"
"It's a menacing language my dear Knockout, you should try it some time."
"I will, think about it Lord Megatron," Knockout strided out of the control room.

---time skip brought to you by Breakdown's missing eye breaking the page and causing it to become unreadable (where do I come up with this?)---

"There we are, all nice and comfortable," Knockout pushed the 3 girls into a large cell and shut the door, "5 star accommodations." He smirked thinking he was clever, perhaps even more clever than Megatron.
"Just wait'll Hammerblade gets here! He'll smash you to a pulp!" Lillith yelled through the door.
"Has he come to join Optimus now? Funny, I though he got blasted a millenia ago." Knockout walked down the wide hallway.
"The Autobots will save us, right Lacy?" Lillith turned from the door.
"Would Optimus let us down?" Lacy said, trying to sound positive.
"Who knows?" Emily sat down on the hard metal floor, "guess we'll just have to wait."

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