Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

I know that I've been a horrible author when it comes to this book. I've responded to almost none of the comments and haven't gotten back to any of your questions.

However, that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate any of you any less. I read every single comment as they come and they all make me smile. To anyone who has voted, commented, or read any part of Clandestine, thank you so much. I really enjoyed writing this book and I appreciate every one of you.

So, I have a bit of an announcement to make. I'll be copying this exact same message and sending out a message to all my followers, but here it goes.

I'm taking a break from Wattpad. It's not because of any of my experiences here. Nothing bad has happened that makes me want to quit. It's definitely not because of any of my totally amazing, completely fantastic, entirely beautiful, always kind, and all around great readers. I've changed as an author and I don't think that Wattpad is what is best for my writing.

You see, when I started on Wattpad, I wasn't super serious about writing. I just wanted to write stories and have people read them. And it was fantastic. Because I got encouragement that kept me writing even when I got busy with school. Because it should me that even though I surely wasn't doing everything right, I was doing something right. Mostly because I gained some really fabulous readers. Some of them have stayed with me throughout the ten novels that I posted on here and if that's not loyal, I don't know what is.

However, now I've changed as a writer. I no longer want to write something and immediately put it on Wattpad. I wanted to spend time editing and editing and then editing some more. I want to pursue writing seriously and looking towards publishing.

I'm not quitting Wattpad entirely. I'm still leaving all of my old works up. In fact, I plan on posting my latest version of 986 up soon. However, I don't plan on posting any long works anytime soon. I might post a few short stories on Collezione, but I'm not going to promise. I may even decide to put up future projects. I just want to take more time in my writing.

HOWEVER, I do not want to lost touch with my incredible readers. Because every single one of you is amazing. So please, please, PLEASE send me a message here on Wattpad. About anything. I'm a lot more likely to respond to that than a comment. (I still plan on responding to comments, but you all know how I am at that...) I'm going to need Beta Readers for my latest project. It's going to be a while before it's ready, but PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! Even if you've never commented or voted, I need you.

I'm also going to be focusing some of my time into a blog that I started with my friend. There I'll be doing book reviews and writing advice. You can find it right here:

Please don't lose touch with me. I want to hear from you. Send me a message. I know that talking to my lovely readers is probably what I'm going to miss most from Wattpad.

So now that I've written a really long message, I want to thank every one of you for every vote, comment, or read you've given to me. I appreciate everyone. I mean it.

I love you all,

Anne Brees

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