twenty six

123 12 4

I've approached three different people. Every time I ask them if they know who Diane Tinsley is or where she might be, they just stare at me blankly and then turn back to gossiping with their friends. Perhaps I might have more luck if I asked some of the older people who might know her father, but I still haven't gathered the courage.

I want to find Carlotta and Rosalina so they could give me a pep talk, but they've both disappeared.

I'm afraid that if I keep talking to random people, word will eventually get back to Diane. If I knew that someone was looking for me, I would certainly be on my guard. I don't want all of Diane's walls up when I'm trying to tell her about the death of her father.

But I can't tell her about the death of her father. Not really, right? Because that would involve admitting that my mother has committed a crime. I'm sure that Diane would be more than eager to turn in my mother. My mother would go to prison and I would become a Assembly member and have to fend for myself.

I shudder. I won't tell her the truth, at least not all of it. I'll just find out what she knows and decide what I think she should know. I feel rather guilty for doing this, but this is better than turning my mother in.

I spot a small girl leaning against a wall. Her hand clutches her glass and she observes the crowd with her cold eyes. She runs a hand through her short black hair and runs her eyes over the crowd. They glaze right over me.

She's clearly a loner. She hasn't talked to anyone since I've started watching her. She'd be a good place to start. If she did know, I could leave her without anyone asking any questions. It doesn't appear like she has a lot of friends to gossip about what happened, meaning that Diane won't catch on to any rumors.

I gather my confidence and approach the girl. "Hi." I force a smile.

She doesn't bother to return the smile. She just raises an eyebrow.

"Can I, uh, ask you a question?"

She shrugs.

"Do you talk?"

"Of course I talk." She snaps.

I raise my hands defensively, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

She rolls her eyes, "Really? You say something like that but you don't mean to offend."

I consider running for my life, but I'm already here. The worst thing that could happen is that the girl snaps at me again and I leave.

I say, "Do you know where Diane Tinsley is?"


"I was just curious."

"Why would you be curious about her? What is so interesting?"

I frown. "She's the host of the party. Of course I want to talk to her."

The girl says, "What would you want to talk to her about? And why would you think that you could even gain her attention? Diane Tinsley is very busy after all. I'm sure that wherever she is, she is surrounded by rich, greedy people."

"So you don't know where she is?"

"Maybe I do. I might have an idea."

"Then can you tell me?" I offer another smile, hoping it wins her over.

Instead, she just glares at me. "I will tell you if you tell me what you want to talk to her about."

"It's not your business, but it's rather important, so if you could just tell me..."

"It is my business."

I raise an eyebrow, "Why would it possibly be your business? Are you her maid or something?"

"Of course not. Is it important?"

"Yes, now just take me to her."

The girl sets her drink down and crosses her arms over her stomach. "I am Diane Tinsley."  

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