Chapter 46- Spending Time Alone

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It All Started With Hello Ch.46


Why hasn't he texted me back yet?

Here I am just sitting in my room, bored, waiting on Prince to text me back, but did he?

No. Yet he has the goddamn time to make a Keek video with all those goddamn girls. Ugh! Sometimes I just wanna pull his pretty hair out of his head. Why can't he have more guys friends?

I took a picture of me next to one of my Princeton posters and put it on Instagram.

*Bored Spending Time With My Bae Oh Wait! He Isn't Really Here #allalone #missinghim*

I got so many likes and comments on my picture, but I just turned my phone off and closed my eyes. I miss him.


I was hanging out with Nala and Rachel, who had my phone.

"Come on, Rachel, give me back my phone." I laughed as they made another Keek video on my phone.

"Aww! Prince is upset." Rachel laughed.

"Come on. Artemis may have texted me." I said seriously.

"Oops! Bye Keek!" Nala said and ended the video. She gave me my phone and I saw Artemis texted me over thirty minutes ago.

"Did she text you?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah. Thirty minutes ago. She is probably-- no not probably. She is mad as hell at me." I sighed and tried to call her, but her phone was off. I hate when she does that.

I shook my head and checked Instagram. Artemis posted a picture fifteen minutes ago saying,

*Bored Spending Time With My Bae Oh Wait! He Isn't Really Here #allalone #missinghim*

Ugh! She is so pissed at me.

"She is so pissed at me." I groaned aloud and tried to call her again. She didn't pick up. It rang for the shortest time possible before going to voicemail. Obviously she looked at it and hung up.

"Prince, if you are always fussing or not together, why are you dating her?" Rachel asked as we walked around.

"Because I love her. Whenever we are together, I never wanna leave her. She makes me happy-- even when she's mad at me," I smiled thinking about Artemis then I frowned. "But now she's upset because I didn't answer her text and I put up so many Keeks instead of texting her."

"Don't worry, Prince. If she loves you as much as she says she does, she'll call you back and forgive you. I bet she'll call in a few." Nala said as my phone rang. It was Artemis.

"I'm psychic!" Nala laughed.

"More like psycho." I laughed as I answered the phone.

"Hello? Who's psycho?" Artemis asked.

"Hey mi amor." I smiled.

"Hey Prince. Who's psycho?" She asked again.

"My friend Nala. She claims she's psychic, but really she's psycho." I laughed as she hit me.

"I bet she is psychic. Tell her about me being psychic." Artemis told me.

"Tell her about you being psycho as well? Okay." I joked. "Nala, you and Artemis are both psycho."

Rachel, Nala, and Artemis laughed at me.

"So what are you doing?" Artemis asked. The playing edge in her voice was gone. She is still upset with me.

"Nothing. Just hanging out with Yale and Harvard." I tried to make her laugh. "Get it Yale, Harvard, and Princeton?"

Rachel and Nala laughed.

"Yeah. I got it. I saw the Keek." Artemis said dryly.

"Babe," I said in a low voice. Rachel and Nala tuned my conversation out. "I know. I know, you miss me. I miss you more."

"It sure doesn't seem like it." She sighed.

"Baby, I miss you more than you know. I wish I could hold you in my arms right now. I wanna do that more than anything in the world. But you know I can't come out there right now." I said.

"But Prince! Whenever I need you, you aren't there. I'm tired of calling and texting. Sometimes I just want to be held." Artemis whined.

"I know that, mi amor. Te extraño y te quiero, mi amor. Nada puede cambiar eso. ¡Te quiero! Te quiero más que a nada en el mundo." I said to her so Nala and Rachel wouldn't know what I said. (I miss and love you, my love. Nothing can change that. I love you! I love you more than anything in the world)

"Te quiero, Princeton. Te echo de menos más de lo que sabes. Ven a verme pronto. Adiós." She said back in Spanish before hanging up. (I love you, Princeton. I miss you more than you know. Come see me soon. Bye)

I can't believe how much she has progressed with her Spanish in such a short time. She must really be calling and talking to my mom.

"What did she say? I lost you once you started speaking Spanish." Rachel's nosy tail asked. I laughed softly.

"She said she misses me and to come see her soon. That she loves me more than I could ever know. And she said it all in Spanish." I smiled.

"Wow. She learned Spanish for you? She must really care because we couldn't be bothered to learn." Nala joked and we all laughed. We hung out for the rest of the day. I was just so upset about not being with Artemis.

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