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Author: Brooklyn

Username: Not_so_unique_name

Status: Ongoing

Synopsis:  "Fire!" Someone called and with dirt covering her, blood streaming down her face from a recently earned cut, she turned, still lying on the ground. Panting with her blue eyes shining brightly with tears as she got onto her knees and watched as the arena crumbled.

Tyme closed her eyes.

Can I just say what a wonderful synopsis? I applaud the author on this one. It’s thrilling and an automatic hook.  From start to finish, this is wonderfully written for a historical fiction, mixed with fantasy. In the prologue, the dragon scene (Yes, this book contains dragons.) could have been more epic, and dramatic, when it was breaking free. Other than that, it was lovely.

I love the first chapter! I also love Tyme. She is beautiful, and broken. Her actions and emotions are oddly lovable even though she tries to come off as a brat. (I would have used a stronger word, but I’m being formal.) I also love the fantasy world that the author has created. It does have some used elements, but she puts a wonderful twist to her idea of ancient times. In chapter 2, it seems to revert to present time. It is necessary to state that so that readers will not be confused. A simple ‘Present time’ at the beginning of the chapter would do the trick.

I can tell Chapter 2 is not as involved as the previous chapters, but this is all right. It is still well written and can be labeled as a filler chapter. I do enjoy the characters the author has created; there is great chemistry. In all, I REALLY LIKED THIS.

I desperately hope the author will continue. I rate 4 out of 5.


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