The Heat of Summer

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Heat of the Summer

Author: Nicole Collins

Username: Mydiamondintherough

Synopsis: Emmallin Crane is a hard headed, smart but stubborn girl who needed an escape for a night. Just one night to relax and have some fun with her friends. At 18, she is getting ready to graduate high school and has all the stress of getting into a great college weighing on her shoulders. Luckily she has a great support group of friends and family. But what happens when her support group gets infiltrated by a certain someone who she would consider the enemy? Deacon Burrows is next in line for a big promotion. At 21, he would do just about anything to move up from his private status. When his best friend Rendon Hall, his superior- gives him an offer to move the promotion along, who is he to refuse? All he has to do is get Emmallin out on a date. Sounds simple right? Wrong...But anything can happen in The Heat Of Summer.

First, the synopsis, for me, leaves little to the imagination. It pretty much tells you girl meets boy, girl tries to avoid boy, boy wins girl over, and they fall in love, the end. Though granted there may be a few ups and downs within it, that’s the gist, or at least what I got from it.

I’ve always believed that you should give a potential reader just enough of a synopsis to pull them in. You want it to be intriguing enough to draw their attention, but not so much information that the story becomes predictable. In some cases the less you say the better.

She is lost in her own vicious fantasies. –MiloandSnowy

That came from another story that we reviewed and honestly that was enough to make us want to jump into the pages. Sometimes, the smallest teaser is your greatest crowd drawer.

Emmallin is a very intelligent girl. We know this because it is eluded that she will be giving a speech at graduation. I can only assume that it will be as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian. Yet, she has a wild side. She likes to go out and party hard, and hook up with one particular guy. I couldn’t help but feel like I’d read it before and it got me to thinking about other stories that I have read. 

However, there were few syntax and grammatical errors. The interaction between the two friends was nice to read. Emmallin’s sarcasm was executed extremely well. It wasn’t overdone, nor was it forced. Kudos on that alone. 

I did enjoy the fact that the author alluded to something a bit negative that happened in Emmallin’s past regarding her being an army brat, but didn’t go into detail. That’s enough to pull a reader back in. If for nothing else, we want to know what happened and we can only hope that the author gives that bit of information somewhere down the line.

From the synopsis a story like this would not have caught my attention, because as I said before it’s predictable. After reading the first chapter, because that is all that is there, it would be one of those books that I put in my library, but I’m not sure if I would remember to read it. I believe the writer needs to work on the creative aspect a little more, though I’m sure it will get much better. As a writer myself I understand that stories start out slow. It happens to all of us.

I give this story, based on the first chapter and the synopsis a 3 out of 5.


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