Flying the Coop

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Flying the Coop


Status: Ongoing

Synposis: One 'vacation'.

 An unexpected 'offer'.

A treasure trove waiting to be discovered.

A journey of self-discovery of two people bound by expectations, responsibilities and circumstances, which might just change your view on life.

            The synopsis gives us just enough to pull us in and hint at what the story is about. The author did an excellent job with that.

            Flying the Coop is a tale of spontaneity, adventure, discovery, and love. The story centers around two people, Cassandra who likes to be called Sandra, and Chase. They happen upon each other by chance in the airport on their way to different locations, but they embark on a trip together, to find what had not been discovered by others.

            When I first began reading, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the story. I’ve seen plenty of movies about people partaking in blind treasure hunts, but I’ve never read a book about it. That alone was enough to make me continue reading it, if for nothing other than to see if it was similar to movies I have previously viewed.

            The fact that there are two strangers going to an unknown place, for something that could very well be a myth, struck me as a bit odd. Simply because they met in the airport and less than a few hours later they’re traveling together. However, that’s the spontaneity aspect of it. It helps increase the story’s adventurous aspect.

            There are very few mistakes that I found in the first couple of chapters. As usual, like with any story, there are a few missed prepositions, but other than that it all seems to be well.

            The series of events was executed smoothly throughout the first couple of chapters that I read. It flowed together well and it was very entertaining. I enjoyed reading each characters backgrounds. The author kept it minimal and didn’t feel the need to give us pages of the character’s background lives. What they did give us was enough for us to understand the decisions they made and how their childhood ultimately set them on their path.

I give this story a 4 out of 5


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