Course to Believing

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Course to Believing

Author: Marz

Username: angetxx

Status: Completed.

Synopsis: An idea for a technical piece that circulates around the mechanical mind of an engineer goes on to be an unfinished drabble on old worn out paper which goes on to finally, be put together in uniquely beautiful geometric pieces of metal. But an idea can only be patented, unfinished. It can never reach the masterpiece level of appreciation for masterpieces are inspired.                      

-The synopsis seems to go in circles for me, but it is clear the author was aiming for a higher effect. If I were to find this based on the synopsis alone, it would have grabbed my interest enough to put in my library, but I would eventually forget to read it. That being said, READ THIS. It is amazingly well written compared to the synopsis.

The story starts off with a great introduction paragraph and with the main character, Noelle, at the age of 13. Noelle is very mature for her age and her character is well depicted. Readers can easily grasp the person that she is. Noelle  has a burning curiosity and  is highly expressive in her words and actions.  

Course to Believing is an appropriate title and the text includes extensive vocabulary.

Right off the bat, you meet a few jerks. However, this story isn’t about jerks. It is a mysterious, suspenseful, and surprisingly magical read. It is definitely not a simple read and requires much in-depth thinking. It is highly creative and original. The tone used throughout the story is consistent and true.

Another great thing is the foreshadowing; a reader can easily grasp some clues of the mystery and Noelle’s background.

There are a few suspenseful moments, few humorous ones, and some that are tinged with sadness,  but there are mostly curious ones that ponder common questions, such as:

‘Does magic exist?’ –Course to Believing.

In some ways, Noelle may seem a bit too mature or a bit cold and her only fire is her burning curiosity. In my opinion, and given how well she is described, I believe it fits her and the style of the story.

‘Curiosity was her life.’ –Course to Believing, and that sentence describes Noelle perfectly.

The story has some unrealistic elements but, then again, it does involve magic.

There are a few errors, but no one is perfect. Overall, Course to believing is a fantastic read that hooks readers in and gives them a good probe to the brain.

I rate this  4.5 out of 5.  


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