The Craters in the Moon

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The Craters in the Moon

Username: Jetaime26

Status: Ongoing

Synopsis: Arden Gray: A catty, beautiful, endlessly underestimated teenage girl drowning in a crippling tidal wave of depression, who spends more time in the realm of books than reality.

Lucas Riverton: The seventeen year old boy in the awkward stage between child and adulthood, who spends his time working at a local bookstore as a means of escape.

Two worlds connect in an unfathomable force as young lovers relish in the discovery of a feeling that is beyond description--- and do everything in their power to prevent the inevitable destruction of it.

            There isn’t much that I can say about this story other than brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every available part. From the opening paragraph I was hooked. The author pulls you into a world of descriptive words and painted pictures. It was such a refreshing read.

            Arden is a joy to read about. Though some of the thoughts may be a little depressed, it doesn’t take away from the story or give it a gloomy feel. Snarky, would definitely be the word I use to describe Arden. Not in a bad way, but it makes for enjoyable reading.

            The grammar and syntax of the story were very good. I don’t any suggestions. There were maybe a few places that I saw a missing preposition, but that happens to everyone and it in no way took away from the story.

            I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story so far, and I am definitely keeping up with it to see where it goes from here. I know it isn’t the longest review, and honestly that’s a good thing with me. The longer they usually are, the more I’ve found to pick at. With this, there isn’t hardly anything.

            Again, I don’t do it often, but I rate this a 5 out of 5.


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