Nonbright, Quick - Interview

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Author nonbright about her story, Quick

1)When did you first discover your love of writing?

 When I was five, I started my own book of stort stories. ...Gosh, I was weird. But in second grade, I started taking writing more seriously and I wrote poems. My teacher liked one of my poems so much, she cartwheeled down the hallway.

2)What made you come up with the idea for Quick?

Well... I didn't want to waste precious writing time during my summer break, so I decided to come up with a new idea for a story. I like dystopian stuff; it has an eerie feel to it.

3)Quick is a very unique book. What do you do to set it apart from others that could be similar?

3. I try to  build the scene without using too much dialogue as a crutch. Dialogue is great, but your resources are so much greater when the story develops from inside a character's mind.

4)Your story is very well written. Do you have to sit down and plan each chapter, or is it a natural flow?

It's both a sit-down process and a flow. I can get ideas and key points of the story while just walking around, but it can take a lot of thinking to build up to those ideas while I'm sitting down at my computer.

5)As a writer, there will always be people who try to bring you down because you’re doing something you love. How do you deal with the negativity?

I take criticisms because theres nothing I can really do about it. I don't want to challenge people and their opinions, so I keep an open mind to all suggestions. I'm not much for changing what I've already done, but I try to apply new concepts in the future.

6)The library seems to be a safe haven in Quick, if you had to choose a safe haven for yourself, what would it be?

Gosh... that's tough. Anywhere I can be alone is a safe haven for me. Like Norie, I have the whole upstairs floor to myself and yet I still close the door to my room. When I can't be alone, sitting down at my piano is a great alternative.

7)Quick is definitely an interesting title. What caused you to come up with that rather than something else?

I was actually going to call it "The Flush" when I first started writing... But I sensed great toilet-related danger if the novel ever got on its feet.

8)If you could say one thing to all of your fans what would it be?

"Thank you for all your feedback and support. I'm writing for you as much as I am for myself."

9)What’s a motto that you live by?

 No one can tell you whether or not you're doing your best. Maybe right now you're not doing the best that you're ever going to do, but you'll only get better from here.


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