Chapter Nine.

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(A/N 00oooOO00oo two days and two chapters. I'm sorry. This chapter is filled with fluff, fluff and more fluff okay I'll talk to you soon)


The next day was terrifying, for an array of reasons. Phil told school about my depression also he said he loved me? But I also love Phil? I'm his 'Bear'? Dealing with depression, sexuality and relationships is really difficult and fucks with your mind.

I opened my form door and sat at the back, Phil was also sat at the back with his head on the desk. I pottered towards the back and slumped into my chair.

An awkward silence ensued.

"'Hi Phil!' would be a nice thing to sa- write." Phil said sounding pissed off.

"Sorry Phil. I don't know if you've realised but saying 'I love you' and calling me 'Bear' really fucked with my mind."

Phil didn't respond, he mumbled something that I'm guessing he didn't intend for me to hear: "I'm sorry. I really do like you you and not some shitty high school love. Sorry bea- Dan."

I felt my heart melt into my chest. Did he really love me? I mean, I did get Autumn to give him a note saying 'I think I like you too.'

He can't love me.

No one can.

I know no one can but Phil said he loved me! Twice!

The school bell went and I waited for Phil outside of form.

"Oh." Phil said being surprised.

I cracked a small smile and walked towards science with him. The walk was awkward and Phil didn't help by not speaking at all!


It was December and it was the last day of term.

I was (unfortunately) still cutting. I still had depression anxiety and a case of anorexia. However, me and Phil have become so much more closer and it was slowly helping me recover.

Today was the best day.

"Hi Dan!" Phil said, spotting Dan at lunch. "I was wondering if you'd want to come to mine today? I need to show you something." Phil said, with what sounded like a lump in his throat.

I nodded enthusiastically at the comment. We spent the rest of lunch together until we parted to go to our last lesson. Maths.

I had been going to therapy and kept it a secret from my family because I felt like it is easier to write my emotions around a person I know. I was still self harming, but I was ever so slowly recovering and I was getting there.

The day ended and I met up with Phil and we walked to his whilst Phil talked about the most random crap and I just nodded, he knew what I meant.

At one point he asked what my favourite colour was! I mean, what great small talk Phil.

I responded with a giggle.

We reached the Lester house hold and I was greeted with a loving smile from his mum and dad. I loved that family so much!

We went to his room and played video games, talked/wrote, ordered pizza. Just like a dream to be honest. All on the floor. Really? The floor. Yeah, whatever.


I nodded.

"This is really hard to s-say. Phew, okay. We've become really close over the past few months a-and I love every moment I spend with you. We do everything together! A-a-and I l-love you. I love you with all my h-heart. I can't describe how much you mean to me and I just- AGH!"

And at that point, I was greeted with Phils soft lips.

My eyes shot open until I joined and just accepted what was happening.


Their lips were in perfect sync. Moving in perfect directions.

Phil pulled away before things got to heated and watched as Dans red cheeks turned maroon.

Dan didn't know how to respond, So he got on his knees and hugged Phil so tight around the shoulders, he was afraid to let go. But he had to to ask/write: "Does this make us a thing now?"

"If you mean 'I want to be your boyfriend.' Then yes."Phil explained sweetly.

He pecked Dans cheek and hugged him tightly.

"I don't want to tell my family!" Dan wrote.

"Why?"Phil asked, sounding sadder then he intended.

"Well, my dad never really approved of my sexuality."

"Oh well, whatever is good for you. We don't have to tell anyone until you're ready. That could be tomorrow, weeks, months, years! Whatever is good for you. I love you bear."

"I love you too kitten."

(A/N: Awwww fluffy! That was the longest chapter so far. Might not seem it but it is and JESUS I CAN'T FEEL MY FINGERS (when I'm with you) xD Any way I love you all. Bye! Xxxxx)

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