Chapter One

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"Why don't you talk any more?!" Dan's mother screeched at him, then burring her face in her husbands shoulder.


Dan woke up to the dreaded sound of his alarm. Monday. He got up, got dressed and shoved his razor blades into his blazer pocket, you never know...

Dan was a really depressed and suicidal 15 year old boy. He stared self harming when he was 12 years old and hasn't had one day where he hasn't done it. He hates everything! Himself, his family, school, everything.

Dan walked down stairs to see his mum cooking some breakfast.

"Want some?" Dan's mum turned around and asked.

Dan shook his head, took out his pocket note pad and wrote;

"No thanks mum..."

Before his mum could ask why or speak, Dan had left the house and on his was to school. Dan hated walking to school, all he could think about was his thoughts, which is never a very good idea, in any situation...

Those girls are laughing at you...

No their not!

Of fucking course they are!


Dan, of course they are! They are laughing at you because you are an ugly, worthless, pathetic, useless, waste of time that is just taking up space on this pla-


Before I let my thoughts destroy me, I put some music on. I had a good fifteen minuets till school started so I had some time at least...

As I walked towards school, there were some people following me, that went to another school that was in the opposite direction compared to mine.

I got an over whelming feeling of worry come over the top of my head. I know what is going to happen...

I walked a little faster, staring down at my feet. They also got faster.

Next thing I know, I'm being beaten up for always wearing black, cutting, not eating and being gay.

I came out to my best friend Autumn four years ago, and she came out to me five years ago. She wasn't put off me in any way, shape or form and if anything, she loves me more because 'she always knew.'

After the beating, I got to my feet and limped to school, unplugging my earphones and turning my phone off.

When I got to school, I speed walked to my first lesson because I was already running late as it it!

When I walked into the class room, I, again, got laughed at for being covered in blood. I snarled at the class and just wiped it away and shuffled towards the back of the class.

About 20 minuets into the shitty lesson we were having, the head teacher barged into the lesson.

"Listen up students!" He shouted. My head remained in the palms of my hand staring down at the table.

"Everyone, DAN!" He spat sternly at me.

I rolled my eyes and lifted my head up.

"Welcome our new student-"

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