Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N Hi guys, so I do apologise for not writing for a while. But I am giving you the biggest chapter I have ever written and it's a festive one, but there is a bit of a devastation at the end, ENJOY!)


God what a year!

Dan got out of hospital and was speaking! Well, very discreetly, quietly and a lot of stuttering. He still uses his notepad, most of the time, but he speaks when it's just me and him. Dan has come out and told, well wrote, his parents about us. Needless to say, they were not supportive at all. They have threatened to send him to a private school in York if he doesn't find another place to live because his mum and dad are homophobes and they didn't want to share a house with a non straight person. So I asked him if he wanted to live with us. He lives with us basically. My mum and dad love it! My brother gets on with Dan like a house on fire! Dans brother comes round to see Dan because he misses him. To be honest, I find that really cute. My mum didn't like the idea of me and Dan being in the same bed at first, but she doesn't care that much any more. My family loves Dan and Dan loves my family.

You can class him as a Lester.

It is now the 23rd of December and me and Dan were playing Halo, when Dan spoke.


"Yes bear?"

"W-what d-d-do y-you want for Ch-Christmas?"

I put the controller down, turned to face him and grabbed his hands.

"Bear, listen to me. I've already got everything I wanted. I've got the best boyfriend, who is making a really quick recovery, a family who supports me in everything I do, I don't want anything. I know this is really cliche and typical, but I do not care. It makes me happy knowing you're safe with me, knowing you're happy and knowing accepting yourself for who you actually are. You are speaking! Dan, do you know how much of a big step that is! It's an enormous step, considering where you were when I first met you. Daniel James Howell, I love you so much, and if anything, my Christmas wish came true on the 19th of October." I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his. His hands gripped the side of my head, pulling me closer. Our lips were in perfect sync. My hands combed through his hair, making them curl at the ends, 'Hobbit Hair' as Dan likes to call it.

A knock could be heard so I stood up to answer it.

"D-don't answer it.." Dan mumbled.

I smiled. "I have to."

Dans brother and mine walked in.

"Hey guys." Martyn said.

Christmas is going to be amazing.


It was about 7:00pm and all the family was cuddling in the living room. Yes, I am classing Dan as family. All of us crowding the TV watching Elf. Fairly lights dangled all around the room. Dan and I were on the floor with about one thousand blankets, with an empty pizza box next me and hot chocolates next to Dan. What else could you ask for?

The front door rang and I offered to get it. I stood up to answer it and...

"Mrs.Howell! What are you doing here?" I asked.

Dan must've heard what I said, as he was standing behind me.

"One second." He wrote.

I nodded and he went outside, closing the door. I pressed my ear next to the door.

"Are you coming home for Christmas?"

I'm guessing Dan wrote "No" because his mum asked:


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