Shìt Gon Have To Change Part 2

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"Thank you so much for meeting me here Amy."

"No problem." She says as we gave each other a quick hug.

"Let me see the list." She held her hand out.

"What list, I didn't bring any lists."

"But you know what you suppose to buy, right."


"Why don't you call Kevin and see what he wants you to get."

"Okay, I can do that." I nodded, taking my phone from my purse as Amy got a cart.

Standing there waiting on him to answer the phone I grabbed a Doritos off the shelf opening it to munch on.

"Hello." He answered lowly.

"Kev, I completely forgot to ask what you want me to buy."


I paused taking the phone from my ear to just look at it as if I was staring him down before saying

"I know that, bro you be a little challenged at times you know that right."

He kissed his teeth.

"Just buy some food, real food." He stressed the word real.

"Ummm I'm sorry to tell you this but junk food is real food to me and if anyone says otherwise they need their mouth washed out - with bleach." I stuck another chip into my mouth.

"Ugh, Do you have a pen and piece of paper."

"Of course cause I just love pens and pieces of paper to I carry them everywhere with me - outside of school."

"You know what just forget it I'll go shopping another day."

"Another day. That means if I were to buy pizza right now and are there's a strong, super strong possibility I'd be hungry again in say a few hours give or take the few part."

"Then what you wanna do cause I ain't getting outta bed."

"I'll figure something out."

"I don't think I like the sound of that."

"I don't think I do either, but I ain't about to starve so..."

"I'm a text you."

"Yeah, yeah quick question though did you bathe yet?... Hello...Hello." This nigga, he hung up!

"Bitch ass." I mumbled putting my phone back into my purse, looking down at the now empty Dorito bag I cursed myself.

"Damn it I did it again, ugh." Just then an employee walked by eying me..

"Um hi." I waved a little before walking swiftly over to Amy."

"Lets get started."

"Oh, he told what he wanted you to buy?"

"Food, his words not mine."

"But what ki-"

"Come on Ames! We winging it." I walked out in front of her looking at items.

"Ooh this looks good." I grabbed a bag of sliced bread putting it in the cart before looking at Amy- for conformation? Maybe.

She gave two thumbs up "So far, so good."

I breathed a sigh of relief walking ahead "Okay. Ooh I want this I throw two bags of potato chips before further down grabbing a 2 litre bottle of Coca-Cola and twizzlers

Tamia:  Livin' & Lovin' The FAT (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now