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My eyes widen considering he is my best friend since we were 10!

I looked over to Calum who looked as if he was gonna kill Luke but I basically said I liked Luke since I said I would get laid by Luke.

Michael was smirking as if this was his plan the whole time. Becky was have a weird fangirly moment thing, but that's Becky for you. And Ashton sat there giggling. Those 3 are idiots or should I say retards? No idiots is a bit nicer.

I looked to Luke. He looked terrified, embarrassed and sick. I went and sat beside Luke who had kinda backed away.

"Lukey? Are you okay?" I asked him hoping he was alright.

"No, I just confessed that I like you but you probably don't feel the same way." I felt so bad.


"Race ya!" I yelled running up the stairs of the playground. Luke and Calum were behind me by a bit and I was almost at the top.

Half way there I looked back and tripped backwards. I was pretty sure I was gonna die! I soon felt 2 hands catch me. I didn't open my eyes because I was still terrified!

They placed me down before picking me back up bridal style. I opened my eyes and saw Luke.

"T-thank y-you." I stuttered.

"Hadley where does it hurt?" He asked. I pointed to by right leg. Soon I felt Luke's hands on my bare skin at my leg.

"It's swollen a bit. Luckily Cal ran to your house to tell your mum." He tells me smiling.

"Luke? Would it be weird if we ever started dating or start having feelings for each other?" I asked hoping the answer would be no.

"Maybe, it depends. A lot of people marry their best friend and they normally stay together so I mean it probably wouldn't be weird. Well unless you counted Calum." He said laughing.

I knew something was different today. I started liking Luke more than just a friend.

I crashed my lips into his. Being only 13 and that was my first kiss it was a bit sloppy at first but we "fixed" the problem. Our lips moving in sync.

"I like you Luke." I said after the kiss.

End of Flashback

I like Luke. I had to tell him but how? Cal would scream and tell about us dating. And he wouldn't let me go on tour if I was dating Luke! But I like Luke it might even be love. No love is still a bit to extreme. I know what I can do!

"Hey Luke, remember when we were 13 and we went to the playground. We started racing to the too and I tripped and you caught me. Calum ran to get my mum but instead got Mali. But before Mali and Calum came. You picked me up bridal style and placed me at the top, I asked if it would be weird if we ever developed feelings for each other or if we ever started dating. You said no. So I kissed you and after the kiss I said?" I may have said loud for everyone to hear but, I want Luke to  know how I feel.

"You said I like you Luke." He said. Soon his his frown went to a smile.

Next thing I knew. Luke had a bloody nose and Calum's knuckles were covered in blood.


Hi or Hey.... Lol. Anyways that's chapter 5. So basically if you don't get that last line Calum hit Luke in his face. Hadley had no idea what went on. Ya......

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Also do you guys want me to add little stories at the bottom so the chapters seem longer. And do you want longer chapters or keep them the length they are?

Another thing is what day to want updates on? I'm thinking Mondays. Okay byeeeee :))))))))))

More Than This //Luke Hemmings (Wattys 2016) **Editing**Where stories live. Discover now