Chapter 56

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I woke up to an alarm blaring across my room. I didn't know what it was at first until I saw a small intercom in the corner of the room. I stared at it for some time until it stopped. I then threw a shoe at it, not leaving even a scratch on it. I threw myself back to bed, wiping my face. I looked to my side. Laurel was not there.

She left already.

I came to my senses and quickly brushed my teeth, tidied up, put on some fresh clothes and ran out the door. I immediately found everyone eating breakfast in the main hall. They all stared at me. I was late, as usual.

"Morning, roadrunner." Tony said, spreading butter onto some toast.

"Sorry I am late..." I said, walking towards the free seat.

"You don't have to excuse yourself at this point, Pietro." Cap smiled, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Yeah..." I took a cup of coffee from the middle of the table and grabbed some sugar. I glanced at Laurel, who was eating oatmeal next to Nat.

"So, when are you leaving?" Wanda asked, setting her sight on Laurel.

"Um, whenever the Quinjet is ready." She replied, looking briefly at me then back at her bowl.

"Such a shame you cannot stay with us."

"Wanda." I interrupted, getting slightly annoyed.

"What? It is a shame."

"Shut up." I gripped the coffee mug handle, surprised that it didn't break.

"I do not want to argue, Pietro." Wanda's tone became serious.

"Clearly you do."

"Wanda, Pietro, stop. We don't need fighting in the team." Cap interrupted, standing off his chair. "Whatever the problem is, fix it."

"That is going to be difficult. Pietro is very stubborn."

"Wanda, if another insulting word comes out of your mouth, I am going to-"

"Pietro, don't." Laurel interrupted, joining the ever growing conversation.

"Excuse me." Wanda got up and left the hall. An awkward silence followed her departure.

"What is going on between you two?" Banner asked, setting his elbows on the table.

"Nothing. Just small bickering between siblings." I smiled, taking a bite off my sandwich.

"Take care of it. We don't need arguments in the middle of missions." Cap said, signaling me to go to Wanda.

"Fine." I stood up, grabbed my coffee, and went to Wanda's room.

I knocked three times on her door, waiting for some kind of answer.

"If it is Pietro, go away before I make you relive your worst nightmares."

"You promised you would never do that to me." I whispered, leaning against the door.

"I will make an exception."

"Wanda, open the door. Please." I stood there for a few seconds before I heard the doorknob rattle and eventually open.

"Look, Pietro... You were-"

"Wanda, you are right. I have been spending too much time away from my responsibilities and away from the Avengers. This is my job and as much as Laurel makes me happy, I cannot ignore who I am. I cannot ignore all the lives that need saving." I stared into Wanda's eyes. "I am not going on that trip. I am going to stay here and do my job. I am going to be by your side."

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