Chapter 47

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I may or may not have had my vomit all over the scarlet red bubble as we hovered over New York City. Wanda stared at me in disgust as I tried to keep my stomach in one place.

"We are almost there, but I do not see a helicopter on the helipad." Wanda said, pointing the port on the ground.

"The helicopter must be in the air already." I started searching for a moving object in the air desperately. I must admit, I was worried. I squinted hard enough to see a black object flying in the horizon.

"I see it! Over there!" I yelled, Wanda immediately turning towards the almost invisible helicopter.

"I see it." Wanda sped up, her eyes turning a bright shade of red. Her veins were visible, and also red. We caught up with the helicopter, floating steadily beside it. Wanda opened the helicopter door, and threw out the two men that accompanied Katrina and Laurel. Katrina grabbed Laurel and held her over the door.

"You are really persistent, Pietro. But your actions will prove worthless." She threw Laurel inside, looked for something in a trunk and came out with a big gun. "Eat energy, Wanda." Katrina shot a huge blast at us, breaking Wanda's forcefield temporarily. I fell for a second, before Wanda made her red bubble around us again. She shot again, breaking the forcefield once more.

"Her blasts are strong!" Wanda yelled, reconstructing her forcefield.

"You are stronger." I yelled. Wanda nodded and turned to face the helicopter. She took hold of Katrina's gun and threw it off the helicopter.

"Give us Laurel back, and no harm will come to you, Katrina." Wanda said.

"You people have ruined my job! Now, I'm going to turn this innocent, young girl into a feared, monstrous assassin!" Katrina took out a syringe and closed the helicopter door.

"No! Wanda, break the forcefield!" I pounded against the shield.

"You will fall!" She scram.

"I will not! Laurel is in danger, open the shield!"

"You will not die again! I do not want to feel you die again!" Her voice broke.

"Wanda, please!"

She stared for a bit, and finally made the red energy disappear. I threw myself onto the helicopter and broke the window. I threw myself inside, landing as the needle of the syringe was about to enter Laurel's skin.

"Stay right where you are, Maximoff!" Katrina yelled, slightly poking the needle into Laurel's skin.

"Do not do this, Katrina. Please." I gulped. "Tell the pilot to land this helicopter."

"Make me." She stepped away from me, holding Laurel close. "All you've done is run, Pietro. Run from your destiny and your responsibility. As an assassin of HYDRA. You could've helped us wipe this world of the danger that threatens it. You could've done so much good."

"I do not think my definition of good is the same as yours." I quickly sent a thought to Wanda: "Knock out the pilot."

She did as told, grabbing the pilot with her energy and throwing him out of the helicopter. She then went inside the helicopter and into the pilot's seat.

"Pietro, I do not know how to fly a helicopter!"

"Pilot it with your powers!" I turned to face Wanda, and then back at Katrina, who was hyperventilating.

"I've been such a bad agent. I don't know what they'll do to me." Katrina started to sob. "I've failed HYDRA." She stopped crying, and looked directly into my eyes.

"Katrina, listen to me. Give me the syringe." I calmed my voice.

"Why am I such a bad person? I've always done as told. But I've failed." She continued shedding tears, her eyes turning completely white. "I've failed because of you."

"You are one of us, right? You have powers?"

"Yes, but I am not evil. I am a good girl." She shook the needle nervously, blood streaming from Laurel's arm.

"I have powers, but I am not evil. I am good, you can be good too. You just have to let go of Laurel. That is it."

"You're lying, Pietro." Her tone got serious. "You're such a petty liar."

"You can still walk away from this, Katrina." I slowly stepped closer to her. "You can still be good."

Katrina looked at Laurel, who was in the middle of breaking into a crying fit, and staying calm as ever. She controlled her emotions and remained calm. A part of me felt Laurel didn't care if she died or not.

"Pietro, do you really think that?" Katrina lifted her head. "Do you think I'm still redeemable? That I can do good?"

"Absolutely." I smiled appreciatively at her. "Just give me the syringe." I extended my arm, opening my hand.

Katrina looked at the needle that was almost inside Laurel's arm. She saw Laurel's blood peering through her skin.

"You're wrong, Pietro." Katrina grinned. "I'm irredeemable," Katrina pressed the needle into Laurel's arm, "and I can't do good," then pushed her out of the helicopter. "Heil HYDRA." She muttered, a grin stretching across her face.

"Laurel!" I yelled, lunging myself out of the helicopter as well. As I saw Laurel's body falling through the sky, and the city waiting to meet us in the ground, I knew neither of us were going to live. I pressed my body together, increasing my speed. I extended my arms to catch Laurel, briefly touching her before she turned and lunged herself at me.

"Pietro!" She cried out.

"It is okay, Laurel!" I yelled, the ground below getting closer and closer. I could hear Wanda bombarding my head. Her screams echoed throughout my mind. I told her everything was going be okay, and to land the helicopter and arrest Katrina. It was all going to be okay.

"It is okay, Laurel." I whispered, clasping onto Laurel's body. "I love you so much."

Laurel's faint words were blocked out by the strong wind pushing against us. I just pressed her deep into my chest as we fell to our deaths. Our deaths. How did this happen? A few days ago, Laurel was in my arms. We were happy. And now, as death awaits us, that happiness is gone.

Much to my surprise, Laurel started to feel cold. Her skin felt like snow. Her hair started to feel like ice. The needle. It contained the formula. The formula that turned me into what I am. Laurel's eyes stared into my own, turning into the ice blue color they once turned into. Tears formed, but turned to ice as they made contact with the outside world.

"I'm like you now." She whispered.

"No, you are not. You are still the Laurel that I met a month ago, and nothing will ever cha-"

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