Chapter 8

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Whenever we are on a mission, I am too fast for any camera to catch. That is why nobody recognizes me on the street. It is nice to be normal. And it is nice to be an Avenger. So I have the best of both worlds.

"Maximoff, you're up. There is a hostage situation at Grand Central Station. You need to get everyone out of there and take down the assailants." Maria Hill said, never taking her eye off the computer.

"Easy, it will be done in a second." With that, I ran to the armory and put on my suit. Now, I am Quicksilver. My new suit was based off my old one. The only upgrades were that it was more armored in the upper body area, and it had goggles. I could also put a hood over my head. I put it on and ran out of the tower. When I got there the whole place was surrounded by NYPD officers. The mission is to rescue the hostages first, and deal with the assailants afterwards.

"Good morning, officer. I am Quicksilver." My hood and goggles were on, so it was gonna be hard for the officer to get an identity from me.

"You're an Avenger, huh? That's cool. There are five hostages inside. The criminals inside want 50 million dollars and a plane. We can't let that happen." Officer Owens said.

"I am on it, Owens." I ran to look for an entrance inside. If I was too slow, the criminals would kill a hostage. If I was too fast, one of the men would probably see my speed's residue. I needed to get to a vantage point where I could plan out my tactics.

I got up to the lamp above, and looked below. I counted 8 men. They all had covered faces. This looked like a normal situation, until I saw a HYDRA symbol on a man's uniform. Now I know why Maria assigned me this. They all had guns, but I was after than all their speeds combined. So I ran. I took all their guns before they could even realize what hit them. Then I shot the door open, and carried all the hostages outside. Now it's time for fun. The eight men huddled together, getting into fighting position. They think they have a chance. Funny. I attacked. I kicked and punched then in their heads and stomachs. Cap taught me how to use my speed and fight with it. I took out three before I got hit in the face by a punch. This guy hit hard. That made me think these men weren't so normal after all. Maybe they had superhuman abilities. Who knows what HYDRA is capable of? I mean, look at Wanda and me. I dodged his attacks for a while, before he was pulled back by some red energy. Wanda.

"Need help, Quicksilver?" She said, with a grin stretching across her face.

"I had it under control, Scarlet Witch." I kept attacking the other men, while she used her telekinesis powers to throw the big guy around. I took down three more and carried one up the wall to the ceiling. Then I let him go. Luckily, Wanda caught him with her powers, so he didn't fall to his death. That was seven men taken care of. Now to interrogate the big guy.

"Why are you here?" Wanda asked, her eyes glowing a dark shade of red.

"I am not telling you nothing." He muttered.

"All right, I guess we will have to take him to the tower. Black Widow will surely take care of him." I said, grinning while at it.

"Do not bother. HYDRA is still at large, and they want you two back. Maximoff twins." He then took his knife and cut his throat, chocking on his own blood.

"Let us go, Pietro." Wanda got on my arms. "We are done here."

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