Chapter 20

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I'd be lying if I said we weren't holding on to Cap on the subway. I mean, he's so big and muscular, why bother holding on to the dirty railing? I was holding on to his shoulder, Natasha was holding on to his waist, Rhodey the other shoulder, and Wanda was holding on to his arm. I bet we looked like a bunch of weirdos. We arrived at the pizza place and asked for a table for five. The short man recognized us from last time and smiled at us.

"You brought friends, huh?" He said, grinning.

We sat down and ordered 4 pizzas. Me and Cap eat a lot. So does Wanda, but she never admits it.

"So, Pietro, who was that girl you brought last night? Natasha asked.

"That was Laurel." Wanda said, knowing I wouldn't say anything.

"Girlfriend?" Cap asked, smirking.

"She is just a friend." I frowned.

Cap shrugged.

We ate a chocolate cake afterwards, and we were full. Really full. We all paid for the food, but the nice man at the cashier recognized Cap and gave us the meal for free. I still gave him a tip, though.

As we walked back to the tower, we passed the bakery, and I just had to see Laurel.

"I am going to grab a cup of coffee. See you at the tower." I said, already crossing the street.

I went inside and headed to the counter. Laurel hadn't seen me yet.

"Hello, Miss Williams." I muttered, putting my elbows on the counter.

"Maximoff. Back for more carrot cake?" She grinned.

"How did you sleep?"

"The bed was lumpy. I missed mine." She chuckled.

"I will make sure that does not happen the next time." Bad move, Maximoff.

"Next time?"

"You have not seen the entire tower yet." I said, sighing.

"Pietro. I have to go back to work. There's a big line. My coworker could use help."

"All right. But I am taking you to dinner."

She crossed her arms.

"Fine. But I don't get off work for a couple of hours."

"I will come pick you up. Literally." That made her laugh.

"Are you going to buy anything?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I just ate. See you later." I kissed her forehead and left.

I ran back to the tower, and invited the whole team to go to the pool. We had a swimming competition, and we played volleyball. I swear, we all expected Cap to win. He's like, the champion. We then started watching Jurassic Park (after I'd suggested it), but Laurel texted me that she was off work during the movie. I made up a lame excuse and left, although judging by the looks of the team, they knew where I was going.

I ran to the bakery, where I saw Laurel standing up front. I came up to her.

"Care for a ride?" I said, before running off with her in my arms. We went to a little sushi place in Hell's Kitchen. I hadn't tried sushi before, but Laurel said it was good. It was 7pm, and I was hungry. I'd eat anything.

"Good evening, may I take your order?" The waitress said, glancing at me, before looking at Laurel again.

"Hi, we'll have the Futomaki dish. One plate for two, please. And two glasses of water, as well." Her voice sent shivers down my spine. It was like she always knew what to say and the perfect way to say it.

"Okay, your orders will be out in a couple of minutes." The waitress trailed off to another table.

"This is a nice place." I said, looking around.

"They make the best sushi in Manhattan." Laurel said, stroking her hair.

"Good. I am very hungry."

"My mom used to bring me here all the time. It was her favorite place to eat." She looked down.


"She died when those aliens came from the sky." Her voice started breaking.

"I am so sorry, Laurel." I took her hand.

"Yeah. I'm just glad the Avengers stopped them." She let go of my hand.

"I know what it is like to suddenly lose your parent." I said, remembering the bomb in our apartment back in Sokovia.

"You lost your parents?" She asked.

"Yes. I was ten when it happened. Our whole apartment building came down. Me and my sister, we were the only survivors." My eyes started to water up. "For a long time, me and my sister, we were all we had."

"If you ever need to talk about this, know that I'm here." She went to grab my mind, but the arrival of the sushi plate cut her off.

"Everything okay, sir?" The waitress asked.

"Yes, no, everything is fine." I said, not even looking at her.

"Okay, enjoy your meal." She left.

We ate and talked a bit more about our pasts. She asked me how I got my powers, but I wasn't ready to tell her yet. She told me about the fishing trips her father took her on. I told her about how I was the class clown when I was little. We got to know each other better. We left the restaurant at 9pm, and I carried her to her apartment.

"Wanna come in?" She asked. "I have the Star Wars prequels on DVD."

"It is late. I cannot stay." I regretfully said.

"Okay. Goodnight, Pietro." She opened her door.

I turned to leave, but I ran and stopped Laurel from closing the door.

"Alright. One movie."

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