Chapter 65

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Going to a nightclub that night might have been the worst idea Laurel had gotten while in Rome.

"Thank you, I will call you when we are ready to be picked up." I waved goodbye to our driver as we turned to face the huge neon lights that adorned the nightclub entrance.

"Come on, Pietro. The line's that way." Laurel walked towards the end. She was wearing a short, silver dress. I originally didn't want her to wear that dress since it was so provocative, but given that she could handle herself against anyone, I let her wear it.

"This place is very full." I said, looking over to the start of the line.

"Well, this is the most popular club in Rome at the moment."

"I just hope this line moves as fast as it's popularity."

"I can take care of that. Be right back."

"Laurel, wait!" But she was already gone, making her way to the front. I saw her talking with the guard, then he laughed and smiled at her. Then she ended the conversation and made her way to me.

"Okay, Pietro. Follow me if you want to dance." She smirked, reaching out her hand for mine.

"How did you manage to get us in?"

"When your father's a rich entrepreneur with many connections around the globe, you can manage to strike a deal to get into anywhere." She playfully patted my cheek. "Don't worry. I am keeping my end of the bargain. Somehow."

"And I thought I was bad."

We entered the club, loud music immediately covering our ears. We looked around at all the people dancing and grinding on each other. I gulped down, nervously gripping at Laurel's hand.

"Are you actually nervous, Maximoff?"

"Are you not?"

"Just a small bit. Haven't been to a club like these since high school." She lifted a smile, her rose red lipstick captivating my gaze. "I'm gonna get us some drinks."

"I will come with." I stood close to her with no intention of being seperated.

"No, no. You stay put." She slid through the grand crowd and I was left in the center of it all, alone and nervous.

"Hey, tesoro." A voice whispered behind me. The voice revealed itself and slid her hands around my waist. "I'm in dire need for a partner to dance with, and you just fit my type."

"Yes, no. I am taken." I carefully took her arms away from my waist and moved away. She then muttered something I could not comprehend.

Then I backed into someone. The huge man turned and revealed a spilled drink over his shirt. He looked down at it, then at me, with anger all over his demeanor.

"Ho appena comprato questa maglia." He muttered, getting closer and closer.

"New shirt, I get it. Sorry." I awkwardly smiled and quickly escaped through the crowd, getting as far as possible from that location. I then made out Laurel's face and ran to it. She was just done ordering our drinks.

"Hey." I gasped, setting my elbow on the bar counter.

"Hey yourself. Didn't I leave you over there?"

"I made my way here. Somehow."



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