Chpt 21. Rejected?

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Avril's POV

"No, I'm not" I protested

"Yeah sure" Ashley rolled her eyes "Amy?"

"She's lying" Amy smirked at me

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes

"That's a yes" Ashley squealed "I can't believe it! I'll be an aunt so soon"

"Wow, that's huge"Amy laughed "I think you're going way ahead Ashley"

I groaned in frustration. Amy was kind enough to tease me about my 'encounter' with Caleb, and of course Ashley heard everything. I swear, that girl is high or she's crazy most of the time.

"Ashley, I'm not sleeping with him" I sighed "And anyways, why does it matter to you?"

"Why it matters?" She gasped in shock "You're mates, mates are supposed to be together"

"hey, nonody said it has to be like that" Amy protested "What if you just don't like the guy?"

"That's impossible" Amy shook her head "Mates exist for a reason, you can't scape from it just like that"

"Sure, whatever" Amy rolled her eyes "We were talking about Avril being pregnant, remember?"

"Yeah" I agreed giving Ashley a look "What made you think I was pregnant?"

"Well, isn't that's what happens after you're with somebody?" She made a face

"No if you use protection" Amy smirked

"Why would you do that?" Ashley asked "I mean, he's the Alpha, an Alpha needs a heir"

I almost chocked on my own spit. A heir? A baby?

"Ouch" Amy laughed "It seems that Avril is not really fond with the idea"

They both stared at me. Amy with amusement in her eyes, Ashley with concern. A baby?

"So.... Caleb needs a baby?" I trailed off "Why?"

"To ensure a new generation of course" Ashley said "He can't be an Alpha forever, he needs to retire someday"

"You heard Avril?" Amy teased

"Uhm....." I mumbled "I'm hungry, do you guys want something?"

"No" they said at the same time

I stood up and headed to the kitchen. Pouring myself some juice I thought about what Ashley had said. There was one thing I knew about that, next time I saw Caleb...


"Avril" Mrs. Bennett said "Sorry, I didn't know you were here"

Mrs. Bennett put down a big box that landed with a thud on the floor

"It's okay" I put my glass down "I was going back with the girls anyways"

"Oh, okay"

I walked past her, but I stopped when I intercepted the smell coming out of the box.

"Mrs. Bennett"I called "Do you mind if I ask what's inside?"

"Oh" she seemed surprised "At all"

Turning around, she grabbed a knife from the counter and teared up the tape. Once the box was opened, bags of some green herbs were revealed. I pulled one out and sniffed it lightly.

"Drugs?" I teased

"Oh heavens no!" She shook her head "Just some tea, a special witched tea"

"Witched?" I raised an eyebrow

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