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Chapter Four: You truly are a heartless git.

"I thoroughly believe that butter beer is the elixir of life," Marcie moaned as she sipped on her warm drink.

Theia and Lily snickered at their friend's unhealthy obsession with the sweet drink.

"We know, you've only told us a hundred times," Lily joked.

The three girls sat inside of the three broomsticks, having already done their shopping.

Theia had a wonderful time thus far, and hadn't worried at all about the consequences of her actions. She honestly didn't care either way if her parents had found out.

Many Slytherins saw her hanging around her friends, and although she knew she would get some grief from them it really hadn't bothered her.

Not even when Rabastan shot her the deadliest look she had ever seen grace his face.

"I'm surprised you came with us," stated Marcie bluntly, having finished her drink.

Lily glared at her, obviously not appreciating her less than tactful way of approaching the subject. "Honestly, Marcie, you have no social skills whatsoever."

Theia laughed lightly, "It's ok, really." And it was, because she had always avoided being seen with her friends in public. If they were, she often looked around to make sure no one was watching.

"Why did you come with us?" Lily asked. Her vibrant green eyes shining with worry, she didn't know the full extent to her friends home life but she wasn't dim. Blood supremacy was making its way through the tightest of places in the wizarding world, and Lily being a muggleborn often took the blunt force of it.

Theia didn't entirely know how to answer the question, and she really didn't want her friends to think that she was just trying to avoid the subject. In all honesty she hadn't put much thought into it because it was easier this way.

It was easier to just jump in and not look down, because you can't be afraid of something you can't see.

"This war," Theia began, fiddling nervously with the glass of butter beer, "it's brutal. It's a sodding blood bath of innocent people and I don't want any part of it. I've avoided facing this reality for a long time but then I had a conversation with Remus and it made me realize that even if my parents hate me for this decision, I will always have you both."

Lily and Marcie must've took that for a good enough answer because the smiles that they wore were blinding.

"If worse comes to worse, you're always welcome at my house. My mum already adores you from those fleeting times you've met at Kings Cross. You'd only have to endure Petunia's torment with me and her git of a boyfriend," Lily grinned.

Theia felt a sense of admiration for her friend, and she could see that the loyalty of the Gryffindors really shine through. She couldn't understand the hatred of them from the Slytherins because she truly valued their characteristics.

"How touching," said Sirius Black as he approached the table holding the three girls. "Did you hear that Prongs-- sweet, ickle Lily is offering her home up to our favourite snake, how absolutely generous,"

The venom in his voice didn't go amiss by Theia nor her friends and she almost flinched.

Yes, she and Sirius had an odd relationship, one in which they despised on another but it was getting quite trite and childish.

"Sod off will you, Black?" Theia said, taking a sip from her drink. "Don't you have some bint to go make out with or something?

The Gryffindor grinned and James Potter just looked downright uncomfortable. He hated being involved in their little spats because it only infuriated Lily, which then led to her storming off with her friend leaving him no chance to talk.

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