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Chapter Sixteen: Waste of Time

Awkward was an appropriate word to describe the tension Theia felt in the library. It was a week after Sirius had told Severus the way to the secret passage through the Whomping Willow.

Remus was now out of the hospital wing, Severus was still traumatized, and three out of four Marauders were still not speaking to Sirius.

In fact, Sirius sat on one end of the table grumpily writing notes next to Theia while the other three were joking around on the opposite end.

She could feel Sirius seething from where she sat, and though she wanted to say something to comfort him, she didn't want to set him off. He was a bit unstable the past couple of days.

In fact, it seemed like anytime she tried to make him feel better he would just snap. Her patience had a minimum capacity, and luckily for Sirius that she adored him so much or she would have given him a piece of her mind already.

Clenching her quill, she silently wrote notes, ignoring the fact that the boy who sat next to her was tapping irritably on the desk.

"I can't believe they haven't forgiven me yet." He grumbled, almost too quietly for her to hear. But she did, and she didn't really know if he wanted a response so she supposed it was safer not to say anything at all.

Two minutes passed and then, "Well, don't you agree?"

Theia blinked once. Twice. Then looked up into grey eyes that looked incredibly troubled. "Are you actually asking my opinion?"

He rolled his eyes and turned his entire body so that he was facing her. "No I was talking to the bloody book shelf."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Seeing as you're being a sarcastic prat today maybe I should just keep my thoughts to myself."

Gathering her books, she stood up and was about to walk off before a tug at her sleeve made her stop in her tracks.

Sighing he guided her back down to her seat. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do anymore. My best friends won't talk to me let alone look at me and it's driving me mad."

A wave of sympathy crashed in her heart and she found herself giving his soft hand a squeeze. "They will come around, they're your best mates and not anything you do will ever change that, no matter how stupid it may have been."

"Stupid?" He asked sheepishly.

She nodded, "Incredibly, but luckily for you we all do foolish things especially when our hearts are in the right place."

"I've tried talking to them but they just act like I'm not even there. I don't know what's worse, them being angry or just acting like I don't exist." He confided.

"Maybe you just haven't been using the correct words, you have an awful habit of running away from blame." She told him.

He scoffed. "I do not."

She gave him a look.

"Fine, I'll try apologizing later. If it doesn't work I'll blame you for my crushes ego."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She laughed which she didn't know sent a flutter through the Gryffindor Boy's heart.

Later that evening she sat with Marcie and Lily in a corridor, going over their days events. Which as us usual was rather uneventful. The broken group of marauders made their days a little less enjoyable surprisingly enough, and none of them would admit it out loud but they missed the whole group.

"So they're still not talking to him are they?" Asked Lily, a sad look gracing her features.

"I wonder what Sirius did to garner such a reaction from them." Marcie asked. "Why can't the bloody git just properly apologize?"

Theia smiled. She didn't tell Lily or Marcie what was going on, she made a promise to Remus that she very much intended to keep. But it made her giddy that the girls missed the boys just as much as she did.

Without Sirius around them, it just wasn't the same and she knew that Remus, Peter, and especially James felt the same way although they would rather cut of their big toes than admit that.

"I never thought I'd see the day where I actually would feel bad for Sirius Black but I couldn't imagine you two not talking to me. The poor bloke looks like a lost puppy most of the time." Lily frowned.

"He seems rather happy around Theia if you ask me." Marcie stated, a stupid grin forming on her face.

Theia held back a smile choosing instead to roll her eyes. "All that sugar you eat must be rotting your brain."

Lily and Marcie gave her a look.

"We aren't dense, we see the way you two look at each other, perhaps it's about time you two make it official that you're absolutely infatuated with each other." Lily remarked.

Theia opened her mouth about to say something when a loud crash came from the broom closet across the hall.

All three girls drew their wands ready to investigate when all of a sudden the door flew open.

They jumped back, looks of horror appearing on their faces.

Sirius Black and Liana Abercrombie both came falling to the floor and no one had to place bets to guess what they had been doing.

Sirius was the first to spot the girls. He looked from Marcie then Lily and when his eyes met Theia she thought she might cry.

A look of complete guilt and shame crossed his features. "Theia--"

She held a hand up to stop him from speaking further. "I think it's time I went to bed. Goodnight everyone."

Lily thought that this was the second time she had ever seen a tear fall from the Slytherins eyes.

Right as she said it, Theia made her quick escape leaving the rest in an utterly awkward silence.

Marcie glared at both culprits. "Usually I would have a lot to say, but looking at you now I realize that it would be just a waste of time, very much like the waste of time you've been in Theia's life."

With that, her and Lily took off after their friend. Leaving Sirius an absolute mess and wondering how in the world he just lost the girl before he even had her.

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