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Chapter Twelve: You're the one amongst the billions.

The astronomy tower was dark, a perfect setting for stargazing in his opinion. He found that he didn't mind the dark much, not when billions of brightly shining stars lit up the sky.

Indigo is what he would call the colour the sky was now. Not really pitch black, not really blue, but somewhere in between. The moon wasn't full, but it was close, perhaps in the next two days Sirius would have to take a trip to the Whomping Willow.

He wouldn't think about that just now though, not when he was waiting for Theia Gaunt to make an appearance. With her, it didn't really matter what was wrong with the world. He simply forgot, placing dark thoughts the furthest part of his mind when she was around. It wasn't a bad thing, in fact, he appreciated it.

In dark times it was really difficult to remember the good things in life, it seemed selfish to do so when other people were suffering. But he could be selfish for one day, for her. The girl who he had thought was so different than what she truly was.

Sirius didn't like being wrong, but in this case he was glad he was. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the pompous Slytherin brat wasn't all that bad after all.

In fact, now she was a friend.

A friend that he seemed to get flustered around, hopelessly trying not to make a fool of himself in front of. A girl he really wanted to impress. These were odd feelings, because he was Sirius Black, and he didn't set out to prove himself worthy to anyone.

But she wasn't just anyone.

She was a fucking supernova in the darkness that surrounded him. A never ending galaxy of beauty, and shit he really didn't want to screw up.

"Are you alright?" A voice suddenly appeared, and he jumped out of his skin.

"Merlin, do you like scaring the life out of people?" He asked, his attention focused solely on the beautiful blonde.

Her hair was plaited with a few fly away wisps that framed her cherub face. In the moonlight, she looked like some type of ethereal being. Her hand went up to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh that so desperately wanted to escape.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'm glad you're finding humour in almost killing me."

She shook her head at his overdramatized behaviour and sat beside him. They were only a hairsbreadth away from each other, and she could feel the heat that radiated off of him. In the cold, she instinctively scooted a little closer to him.

He noticed this, and shrugged off the jumper he wore, handing it over to her which she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you." She whispered, and pulled the red jumper over herself.

"Don't mention it."

It was quiet for a moment, but not awkwardly so. Theia glanced over at Sirius, whose attention was on the stars.

He looked awfully peaceful.

"I heard about what happened." She said, glancing over at him. If he was surprised, he didn't show it. Instead he turned his head to look at her, his grey eyes holding an emotion she couldn't even name.

He nodded. "Peter never could keep his bloody mouth shut."

Theia laughed at this, because it was true. The boy was harmless, but it didn't take much to break him. "I can't believe you figured that out so quickly."

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