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Chapter Three: Ready for anything.

Dear Theia,

I'm appalled that Rabastan would ever behave in such a manner. Your father and I have both agreed that we will be talking to his parents and will no longer require his services.

You must understand, my darling, that we only want what is best for you. Perhaps we go through a rather extensive and unnecessary way of doing this but it is all because we wish to protect you.

I'm sorry that we did not tell you about this arrangement beforehand, we thought it best to leave you out of it. Now we realize the error in our judgement (especially with our chosen "protector")

We won't assign anyone else, but please be careful and make the right decisions. Remember who you are Theia, remember whose blood runs through your veins.

All our love,

Simon and Clarity Gaunt

Theia couldn't help the eye roll that came after reading the letter. Her parents truly were the epitome of daft. Of all the people they could have chose to protect her, they would choose a tosser like Rabastan.

Honestly, he was a childhood crush if anything at all. She had dated him from age fourteen, it's not like there had been wedding bells.

At least she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Hopefully he didn't have a death wish because Theia would happily hex him into oblivion, he wouldn't catch her off guard ever again.

With a sigh, she crumpled the letter into a ball and tossed it into the fireplace.

The Slytherin common room was quiet at this time of night, even though it was a Friday and the first weekend of the year was tomorrow.

Theia had prefect duties which is why she had stayed up past curfew. Also, it had given her time to read the letter her parents had sent.

She smiled at an earlier memory from breakfast when Rabastan had received a howler. The look on his face made everything worth while and Theia had gotten a front row view of it.

Quickly, she stood up, making sure she had her wand and made her way out of the common room and into the dungeons.

"Lumos." She muttered, with a slight flick of her wand. The tip of it flowed a bright white and she quickly made her way through her rounds.

Being a prefect had its ups and downs. She had a lot of say and a lot of respect from her professors which she quite liked but she could do without the rounds at night.

The castle was eerily quiet during this time, with only the sounds of the snoozing portraits echoing off the walls.

It gave her an ominous feeling for some reason, especially when she had duties without her fellow Slytherin prefect, Barney Avery. He was a bit of an idiot but she'd rather have someone to talk to then no one at all.

Yet here she was, making her way through the castle all by herself. Sometimes she would meet up with Lily but tonight she was able to stay in and finish her studying. As if she needed anymore of that.

Not twenty minutes had passed when Theia heard talking.

Suspicious, she made her way to the sounds of the voices and came to a halt when she noticed all four Marauders. Even Remus Lupin was among them, even though he was a prefect he still got himself into an awful amount of trouble.

"I must say, Remus, I'm a little disappointed that you would let your friends get away with being out after curfew." Theia said a bit smugly.

Startled, all four boys turned around to face the Slytherin.

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