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Chapter Six: Shut it and go to sleep you dead wankers.

Time had this knack for going by quickly while at school. Theia knew it was because of how much she enjoyed her time at Hogwarts amongst her friends.

Hogwarts had always been more of home in her mind than the mansion that sat at the end of Godric's Hallow.

The place that she had grown up in had been nothing more than a cold and sinister shadow of what a home should be. It wreaked of dark magic, with long, twisted hallways that seemed so never ending.

Hogwarts was so different. Her schooling was constantly filled with laughter and joy. Theia had always thought that the energies around you could affect your mood greatly. Which is why she had always found herself smiling while roaming the corridors of the castle.

So yes, time zipped by in a blink of an eye much to her disappointment. It had only been the start of term and suddenly it's a week away from Halloween. And also another Hogsmeade weekend.

Which is how she found herself with Marcie, while Lily was off with Severus who she had promised to spend more time with.

Personally, Theia didn't much care for the slimy git but he was Lily's friend so she tolerated him.

"I wonder what I should wear to the Gryffindor Halloween party," Marcie babbled.

Theia made a face, "You're not honestly going to that, are you?"

Marcie looked appalled. "Of course I am! The marauders themselves invited us and even Lily is going."

Theia thought back to last week when the four boys had stopped the girls in the corridor and handed them a letter only to instantly walk off. Lily had been weary, she didn't want to open it and have it be one of their ingenious pranks. So Marcie had done the honours, and the letter opened and flew out of her hands only to sing some ridiculous song about them attending the party and promptly exploded.

"Lily is only going because she knows she can't stop them, and she wants to keep an eye on them." Theia pointed out.

Marcie waved this off, "Minor details, love."

The pureblood rolled her eyes, and continued into Honeydukes in order to pick up some of her favourites.

She was browsing the sugar quill selection when all of a sudden she felt breath going down her the back of her neck.

She whipped out her wand, and turned around so fast, which caught the grinning Sirius black off guard.

"A bit jumpy, are we?" He questioned, his gaze still on the wand tip that pressed into his neck.

Theia sighed. "Sorry, I thought you were going to be someone else." She tucked her wand back into her jumper pocket.

"Rabastan?" He questioned.

She simply nodded. "Yeah, he's been a bit too quiet lately, it's putting me off."

Sirius nodded, knowing exactly why the Slytherin had been leaving Theia alone. He and the other boys had made sure of it, because now they were friends, even though he was still a bit iffy with her.

"Theia!" Marcie came running, almost knocking down a display of licorice wands.

"You alright?" Theia asked her friend, who was grinning madly.

"Oh I'm peachy, you wouldn't believe who just asked me to accompany him to the party."

Theia furrowed her eyebrows, "I thought we were all going together?"

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