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Chapter Thirteen: I just can't catch a break can I?

The moon was full and particularly bright that night, Theia couldn't help but think

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The moon was full and particularly bright that night, Theia couldn't help but think. It was spring, and finally the vegetation was beginning to grow back once more.

She stared out the window of the girls dormitories, the other slytherin girls fast asleep around her if their soft snores were any indicator.

The light illuminated the entire grounds of the castle, even dancing off the dark waters of the black lake.

It was peaceful, she thought. Bloody shame she couldn't sleep. She had been at it for hours now and finally she decided that she would never fall asleep at this point.

Sighing, she ran a hand through her blonde curls  and a small smile graced her lips when she thought about a certain gryffindor boy.

He had been awfully sweet to her the past few months, and sweet was not an adjective she would have ever thought she'd use to explain Sirius Black.

Arrogant? A huge yes. But pompous or selfish? Not a chance. And he was good; so good that it made her wish she could be every bit as pure as he was.

A sudden movement from the grounds of the castle caught her eye. It was sudden, a shadow cast in the moonlight that reflected off her wall. The fact that it wasn't a ghost made her hair stand up.

Squinting, she peered out of the window only to catch a glimpse of greasy, black hair bobbing through the grass of the grounds.

What on earth could Severus Snape be up to at this time of the night?

Something Bathilda Bagshot always told her when she caught her on a midnight stroll ran through her mind.

Nothing good ever happened after midnight.

Theia stood up, and cursed when her wand was knocked off of the table it lay upon, landing on the floor with a loud thud. She glanced around, silently hoping that she hadn't stirred any of the girls-- they hadn't even flinched.

She bent down and retrieved the fallen object, tucked it into the pocket of her pyjama pants and quietly snuck down the stairs and out of the common room.

Tonight was the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw rounds, but Theia being a prefect herself knew exactly where they should be in the castle at this time.

As she glided down the corridors and not having run into any trouble yet-- she thought this was really too easy. No wonder those sodding marauders always got away with everything.

After a close call with Marcie-- that girl had the ears of an elephant-- she made it outside.

Theia ducked behind a statue when she noticed her fellow Slytherin walking ahead, she watched as Severus made his way to the whomping willow. Her eyebrows furrowed together. Did the boy have a death wish?

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