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Theia didn't know what to wear.

How on earth had her life come to this exactly? She had been around Sirius plenty of times before and not once was she ever concerned about how she looked.

But that was before. Before they were whatever they are now.

With a sigh she rifled through her trunk and found a pale blue sweater that would do with a nice pair of trousers and those Chuck taylors that Lily had gotten for her last summer.

Glancing at her reflection, she ran her fingers through her blonde locks and decided that they looked too perfect and she hated them.

She grabbed a hairbrush and ran it through her hair in an attempt to make them as unruly as the boy she couldn't get her mind off of.

After she was satisfied she took another glance in the mirror and thought that there was something about the imperfections that she loved.


"You're ditching us?" Marcie questioned with an offended look on her freckled face.

"No, I'm going on a date." Theia huffed.

"I'm having trouble seeing the difference."

"Oh Marcie for Merlins sake, we knew this was coming so please stop giving her a hard time." Lily said, as always the voice of reason.

"Fine, but no funny business."

Theia gasped in mock outrage. "I'll have you know, I'm an absolute angel."

"Oh sweet Theia, to that I have no doubt but dear Sirius is a different story." Marcie winked.

Theia's stomach did a funny little flip at the mention of his name.

"Ladies." His voice sounded.

Good Merlin, why did just his voice have to have that sort of effect on her. It really just wasn't fair.

"Black." Lily and Marcie chimes in unison, not even missing a beat. They didn't sound nearly as enthusiastic as he did.

"I'm saddened to say..." he began not sounding the least bit sad. "That I'm going to be stealing sweet Theia here for the rest of the day, but fear not because I've enlisted a few good chaps who have promised to keep you lot good company."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Sirius, if you're not out of my sight in the next second I will hex you."

Theia stifled a snort as a look of pure panic crossed his face.

He grabbed Theia's hand gently and began leading her down the path towards Hogsmeade.

"I'm thinking of becoming an Auror." He started after Theia had asked what he was planning to do after Hogwarts.

She grinned at him. "I think you'd be a fantastic Auror."

A faint blush spread across his cheeks at her compliment. He'd never admit it, but he didn't really know how to handle compliments. Especially ones that came from her.

All his life he'd pretty much believed that he'd amount to nothing. It was only very recently that he realized that what people thought of you didn't determine who'd you become.

"Thanks." He said, smiling. "I just want to help. I think we need all the help we can get right now."

Theia took a sip of her butter beer before she responded because she knew that. She knew better than anyone.

A war was brewing. She could feel it even though she already knew. There was tension in the wizarding world. People starting to show their true colours, not even bothering to hide it anymore.

It made being a pure blood feel dirty.

"You're right." Theia stated, reaching for his hand. "We do, but I have to believe that there are more good people than bad. And even if there aren't, I just have to put into the universe that even if we're outnumbered somehow the good will always come out the winners."

Sirius blinked. Somehow the conversation had become so serious and he hadn't wanted it to. Somehow it felt right because there were these two who against all odds had come out pretty decently.

Theia had surprised him before, and he didn't think she could do so even more.

But she was diplomatic in how she spoke, like she truly believed every word that she uttered. And because she believed he did as well.

"Maybe you should be an Auror." He told her, squeezing her hand that still help his.

She smiled brightly. "Maybe I will."

Sirius smirked and reached out his hand to cup her cheek. He turned his head slightly and leaned in so he was just barely touching her lips.

"You can do whatever you want Theia Gaunt, because whatever it is, you're going to be great and the world will be so lucky."

And he touched her lips with his, so softly at first, in the middle of the tavern.

His lips were soft, a delicate scent of butterscotch wafting in his breath.

Theia's lips moved in sync with his. It was sort of a test run for her, as she had never truly snogged a boy before. And when his tongue gently reached out to find hers it was like nature took over and she knew exactly what to do.

It wasn't near perfect but it was close enough.

She was happy, they were happy,  and the world could try to tear them apart. They were ready for a fight.


Author's Note:

Oh, hello.

Long time no see, am I right?

Yikes, I'm so sorry. I wish I had an excuse I really do. But I'm a mom and I'm really so distracted and busy that life just sort of got ahead of me.

And I know this chapter was short but it was necessary because next chapter is a transition.

Please stay with me. I'm so grateful for you all. Thank you for sticking by me this entire time. There are no words to express how lucky and grateful I am.

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